Chapter Nine
Main theme of the letter to the Hebrews Hebrews develops the theme of Christ as high priest. Hebrews develops the theme of Christ as high priest. The model of our faith. The model of our faith.
Seven Catholic Epistles James I and II Peter I, II, III John Jude
James=Foundation for Social Teaching Key themes: God’s preferential love for the poor. Key themes: God’s preferential love for the poor. : The need for the rich to care for the poor : The need for the rich to care for the poor
I Peter :The role of suffering in the life of a Christian. TeachesTeaches Do not return evil for evil Return abuse with a blessing Keep doing good despite the attacks of others. Keep doing good despite the attacks of others. Your good example will eventually help people recognize the truth. Your good example will eventually help people recognize the truth. Look on your suffering as a test of your faith and see them as a share in Christ's own suffering.
Docetism “To seem” “To seem” Teaching that speaks of a special knowledge of Jesus and Christian life. Teaching that speaks of a special knowledge of Jesus and Christian life. They claim they received this information from a special mystical experiences with Christ They claim they received this information from a special mystical experiences with Christ
Apocalyptic Writing Apocalyptic writing contains visions, symbolic words, images, numbers etc. Apocalyptic writing contains visions, symbolic words, images, numbers etc. It was written in times of crisis to bolster the faith of the believer. It was written in times of crisis to bolster the faith of the believer. It speaks of a time when God will establish his heavenly kingdom. There will be no more pain and suffering. It speaks of a time when God will establish his heavenly kingdom. There will be no more pain and suffering.
Church Fathers Honorary title given to outstanding early church theologians whose teachings had lasting significance and whose writings have greatly contributed to church doctrine and practices. St Justin Martyr St Irenaeus Terullian Origen
Arianism Denied Christ’s divinity
Nestorianism Taught that there were 2 persons in Jesus One divine and one human
Monophysitism Denied the true humanity of Jesus
Chalcedon formula Jesus is one divine person with two natures, one divine and one human
Vocabulary Apologist= a defender of Christianity and the church who tries to show the reasonableness of the Christian church Apologist= a defender of Christianity and the church who tries to show the reasonableness of the Christian church Parousia: The 2 nd coming of Christ which will usher in the full establishment of God’s kingdom Parousia: The 2 nd coming of Christ which will usher in the full establishment of God’s kingdom Theotokes: Title bestowed on Mary at the Council of Ephesus meaning God-bearer. This title says that Jesus is the one divine person and Mary is truly the Mother of God. Theotokes: Title bestowed on Mary at the Council of Ephesus meaning God-bearer. This title says that Jesus is the one divine person and Mary is truly the Mother of God. Vulgate: St Jerome’s 5 th century AD Latin translation of the Bible into the common language of the people of his day. Vulgate: St Jerome’s 5 th century AD Latin translation of the Bible into the common language of the people of his day.