Visions January 11, 2015 Baptism of the Lord
Cover Answers the question on the cover privately then share
Gospel p. 4 Three readers Discuss TALK questions: Write important information down Voice Dove Jesus
Mark the First Gospel Writer Whole message: “ Jesus Christ is the Son of God Anointed = Greek Christ, Hebrew Messiah Start with Jesus’ Baptism 40 years after Jesus’s death Jesus hurries from place to place, healings, preaching = chapter chapters Jesus in Jerusalem
“Baptism Calls Us to Live Like Jesus p. 5” We become a child of God Our vocation: to live and love as Jesus Called by name Sign of Baptism Water: cleaning, rebirth, Mark with the cross: to show we belong to the Christian community Anointed with chrism: we belong to Christ, strength and protection White garment: we are clothed in Christ, new life Candle: light of faith Jesus give us
“We live Sacramental Lives” p. 6/7 Sign to show visibly what happens invisibly in the celebration of the sacrament Initiation, the way a person is made a member of a group Sacrament of Initiation: Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation
Pop quiz What are the 5 signs of Baptism and what to they represent?