Turing Award Kun-Mao Chao Kun-Mao Chao ( 趙坤茂 ) Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University, Taiwan A note given.


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Presentation transcript:

Turing Award Kun-Mao Chao Kun-Mao Chao ( 趙坤茂 ) Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University, Taiwan A note given in BCC class on May 27, 2015

1-2 計算機概論 全華科技圖書 計算機科學大事紀 西元 1937 年 亞蘭杜林( Alan Turing )提出了杜林機 ( Turing Machine )的概念 Alan Turing 在二次大戰時設計, 破解了德國的 Enigma 密碼

1-3 計算機概論 全華科技圖書 Turing Award Nobel prize in computer science ACM's most prestigious technical award is given to an individual selected for contributions of a technical nature made to the computing community. The contributions should be of lasting and major technical importance to the computer field 西元 1966 年開始 ACM announced on November 13, 2014 that the funding level for the ACM A.M. Turing Award is now $1,000,000, to be provided by Google Inc. The new amount is four times its previous level.

1-4 計算機概論 全華科技圖書 Turing Award Donald Knuth 1974 Steven Cook 1982 Ken Thompson & Dannis Ritchie 1983 John E. Hopcroft 1986 姚期智院士在西元 2000 年時, 獲頒 Turing Award ( 唯一華人得主 ) Vinton G. Cerf and Robert E. Kahn (TCP/IP ; Fathers of the Internet) 2004 Judea Pearl (Bayesian networks) 2011 Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali 2012 Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali

1-5 計算機概論 全華科技圖書 Alan Turing & Me H.A. Newton  E.H. Moore (1885 Yale Univ.)  Oswald Veblen (1903 U. of Chicago)  Alonzo Church (1927 Princeton)  Bob Ritchie (1961 Princeton)  Webb Miller (1968 Washington)  Kun-Mao Chao (1993 Penn State) Alan Turing 這是我在美國數學學會的族譜

1-6 計算機概論 全華科技圖書 John E. Hopcroft 2012/12/22

7 Turing Award 2012 (announced on March 13, 2013) Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali CSAIL, MIT Source: MIT NewsMIT News

The Pioneering Work of Goldwasser and Micali They were credited for “revolutionizing the science of cryptography” and developing the gold standard for enabling secure Internet transactions. –probabilistic encryption –the simulation paradigm demonstrating a system’s security –the idea of “zero-knowledge” proofs“zero-knowledge” proofs 8 Source: MIT NewsMIT News

9 “I am very proud to have won the Turing Award,” Goldwasser says. “Our work was very unconventional at the time. We were graduate students and let our imagination run free, from using randomized methods to encrypt single bits to enlarging the classical definition of a proof to allow a small error to setting new goals for security. Winning the award is further testimony to the fact that the cryptographic and complexity theoretic community embraced these ideas in the last 30 years.” Source: MIT NewsMIT News

10 “I am honored by this recognition and thankful to the computer science community,” Micali adds. “As graduate students, we took some serious risks and faced a few rejections, but also received precious encouragement from exceptional mentors. I am also proud to see how far others have advanced our initial work.” Source: MIT NewsMIT News

11 Turing Award 2013 (announced on March 18, 2014) Leslie Lamport Microsoft Research


Leslie Lamport A pioneer in distributed systems Comments from his colleagues His writings The Seattle Times 13

LaTeX TeX by Donald Knuth & LaTeX by Leslie Lamport I wrote two books and edited one using LaTeX. 14

15 Turing Award 2014 (announced on March, 2015) Michael Stonebraker MIT