1 Partnerships Mobile Phone Partnership Initiative Example Partnerships Mobile Phone Partnership Initiative Example PresentationBackground MPPI Partners Goal of this Initiative Future Partnership-Suggestions E-waste-Possible waste stream ObjectivesStrategy Basel Convention John Myslicki P.Eng. John Myslicki Consulting John Myslicki Consulting Ottawa, Canada Ottawa, Canada
2 MPPI-Background Swiss Initiative as a pilot partnership project.Swiss Initiative as a pilot partnership project. Initiative is based on Basels Declaration on ESM (COP5).Initiative is based on Basels Declaration on ESM (COP5). Partnership, that includes a number of different stakeholders.Partnership, that includes a number of different stakeholders. Basel Convention
3 Who are the MPPI Partners Parties and Signatories to the Basel Convention.Parties and Signatories to the Basel Convention. 12 manufacturing companies:12 manufacturing companies: –Alcatel, LG, Matsushita (Panasonic), Mitsubishi, Motorola, NEC, Nokia, Philips, Samsung, Sharp Telecommunications Europe, Siemens, Sony Ericsson. 3 telecom operators:3 telecom operators: –Bell Canada, France Telecom/Orange, Vodafone. Other stakeholders:Other stakeholders: –Refurbishers (Shields Environmental, Fonebak, ReCellular), –Recyclers ( UMICORE, Noranda) –Associations (BIR, GSMA, CTIA, IPMI, IER), –Academia (Princeton University), and –NGOs (BAN, INFORM). Basel Convention
4 Goals of MPPI Goals of MPPI Promote sustainable partnership.Promote sustainable partnership. Promote environmentally sound collection, repair, refurbishment, and recycling.Promote environmentally sound collection, repair, refurbishment, and recycling. Awareness raising and training on environmentally sound management of used (repair) and end-of-life (recycling) mobile phones.Awareness raising and training on environmentally sound management of used (repair) and end-of-life (recycling) mobile phones. Basel Convention
5 Work Program Development of 5 guidelines (design considerations, collection, refurbishment, material recovery and recycling, and transboundary movement).Development of 5 guidelines (design considerations, collection, refurbishment, material recovery and recycling, and transboundary movement). Overall Guidance Document.Overall Guidance Document. Launching projects in the field to test guidelines.Launching projects in the field to test guidelines. Workshops to raise awareness.Workshops to raise awareness. Basel Convention
6 Future Partnerships-Suggestions Confidence building among different stakeholders with different agenda.Confidence building among different stakeholders with different agenda. Need to involve all stakeholders from the beginning of the initiative.Need to involve all stakeholders from the beginning of the initiative. Balanced participation-need to engage more developing countries and BCRCs in discussions.Balanced participation-need to engage more developing countries and BCRCs in discussions. Have dedicated officials to chair project groups.Have dedicated officials to chair project groups. Develop a work program that is flexible, so that activities can be adjusted as you go along.Develop a work program that is flexible, so that activities can be adjusted as you go along. Maintain a transparent process.Maintain a transparent process. Basel Convention
7 What could be a next partnership? e-waste Increase in volume of e-waste, in particular the end-of-life computing equipment, being shipped to developing countries.Increase in volume of e-waste, in particular the end-of-life computing equipment, being shipped to developing countries. Basel COP 6 Ministerial panel discussion (Dec. 2002).Basel COP 6 Ministerial panel discussion (Dec. 2002). Priority work program in the Strategic Plan.Priority work program in the Strategic Plan. High Level discussion on e-waste during COP8 (Nairobi declaration on ESM of electrical and electronic waste).High Level discussion on e-waste during COP8 (Nairobi declaration on ESM of electrical and electronic waste). Basel Convention
8 Objectives under such Partnership Prepare good information base on e-waste:Prepare good information base on e-waste: –Detailed inventories on generation, imports, exports, and existing facilities. Awareness Raising on environmentally sound management:Awareness Raising on environmentally sound management: –Achieve better product stewardship. –Influence consumer behaviour towards more environmentally friendly actions. Capacity Building:Capacity Building: –Strengthening national regulatory procedures to improve the controls, and to prevent illegal traffic. –Develop guidelines on Environmentally Sound refurbishing/recycling/disposal options that could be replicated to other end-of-life equipment. –Technology transfer for repair/refurbishment and recycling. –Training of officials on various components of ESM of e- waste. Basel Convention
9 Strategy Set up partnership to include the following: Set up partnership to include the following: Competent authorities, focal points, provinces or states, and municipalities.Competent authorities, focal points, provinces or states, and municipalities. Industry (manufacturing, distribution sector, recycling, repair/refurbishment, and disposal).Industry (manufacturing, distribution sector, recycling, repair/refurbishment, and disposal). Interested governmental and non-governmental organizations (WCO, UNDP, trade associations, environmental groups).Interested governmental and non-governmental organizations (WCO, UNDP, trade associations, environmental groups). Basel Convention Regional Training Centers.Basel Convention Regional Training Centers. Research institutions.Research institutions. Basel Convention
10 Partnership Identify goals for the partnership (Different partners will have different goals, and will want different activities to be carried out).Identify goals for the partnership (Different partners will have different goals, and will want different activities to be carried out). Agree on common goals, terms of reference for the partnership, reporting structure, and work program.Agree on common goals, terms of reference for the partnership, reporting structure, and work program. Identify benefits to each partner.Identify benefits to each partner. Basel Convention