Overview of Statewide AT Program Management
This PowerPoint will allow you to… Describe the State Plan and how it works Describe the basic requirements of statewideness & comprehensiveness Describe how the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) Program Review works
Purpose of State Plan A State Plan describes how the state will conduct its statewide AT Program during the three years covered by the plan.
State Plan Development The State Plan is developed, prepared, and submitted with the advice of the state’s Advisory Council. If an Implementing Entity carries out the Statewide AT Program, the State Plan for AT can be jointly developed and prepared by the Lead Agency and Implementing Entity.
State Plan Submission A state submits it’s plan using Form 664 via RSA’s Management Information System (MIS). Visit the following website to access the MIS: RSA approves the plan RSA may work with the state to adjust the State Plan in order to make the plan approvable.
State Plan Amendments If changes occur to the state program, a state must submit amendments to RSA. Examples of changes: Change in organization of program Addition or elimination of activity in core service areas
Comprehensive and Statewide Program Statewide AT Programs are required by law to maintain comprehensive, statewide programs that increase access to, acquisition of, and knowledge about AT devices and services for targeted individuals and entities.
Elements of a Comprehensive Statewide Program Statewide: Services are equally available to all individuals with disabilities residing in the State Comprehensive: Services are provided regardless of … Type of disability Age Income level or location Types of AT device required
Examples of Models of Statewide Services Central location with outreach to entire state Regional centers serving defined areas of the state
Examples of Models of Comprehensive Services Program has internal capacity to serve all disabilities, all ages Program contracts/partners with other disability specific groups to provide services
Program Review RSA evaluates and assesses each aspect of the statewide AT program to determine the extent to which a program is in compliance with statutory obligations and requirements.
Program Review Process How it works: RSA selects statewide AT program for review Three Peer Reviewers are selected to assist in the review The statewide AT program presents their program to RSA and the reviewers via a WebEx webinar (RSA may participate onsite.) RSA develops a report based on the review and shares it with the state
Focus of a Program Review Two “Core Components” Program Management: Verifies that grant is managed according to AT Act of 1998, as amended, EDGAR, and OMB requirements Program Performance: Analyzes program’s plan, reported data, and outcomes Based on last full fiscal year of program’s operation
Review of Program Management: Elements 1.Fiscal Management 2.Personnel Management 3.Contract Oversight 4.Consumer-Responsiveness
Review of Program Performance: Elements 1.Increased AT access, acquisition, and knowledge about AT 2.Statewideness and Comprehensiveness 3.Achievement of measurable goals
Review of Program Performance: Activities 1.State gathers and submits documents for review to RSA 2.State presents webinars describing its program to RSA and Reviewers 3.Reviewers complete review forms and provide input to RSA 4.RSA develops Summary Report
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