SFDV2002 - Principles of Information Systems Lecture 1 Introduction
Course Objectives By the end of the course students should: Purpose: Describe the objectives of the course Notes to expand/explain some of the material presented on the slide: Objective 1 We are depend on Information Systems in all areas of live. Information Systems Definition: “is a set of interrelated components that collect, manipulate, and disseminate data and information … to mean an objective” (Stair and Reynolds) Examples: banking systems, telecommunication systems, even supermarkets (more later in the lecture and in the next lecture). The course focuses on how Information Systems that are used in Business. But principles can be applied to multiple domains. This course will discuss – What IS are? How they are used? Why they are used? How people (user) interact at all levels. Objective 2 People are involved everywhere! Determining the requirements, clients (stakeholders), working in teams (project groups are more than one). This way it is important to have balance in the field. Issues involved with the management of people What value is the development project adding to the organisation? Improving quality? Saving money? Etc. Objective 3 Once we understand the importance of IS. This course will look at the foundational process of constructing IS (both conceptual and practical) Look at the IS development by using the different phases of the SDLC. What is involved? Give you an overview/survey of the whole process. Objective 4 Introduction of the broader issues surrounding IS development. Ethics and professionalism of software development. The many different technologies that support and are used for development of IS (e.g. Web, DIS, networking (including wireless)). Hardware – not specifically talked about in this course. But a basic understanding is required. Course Objectives By the end of the course students should: understand how information systems support people and enterprises; be knowledgeable about the environment that facilitates systems development such as the people involved, how projects are initiated and managed, impacts on an organisation, and the commercial realities of such endeavours; be conversant with the concepts and skills required to analyse, design, build, and maintain high-quality information systems; have an awareness of broader issues relating to software development, such as ethical concerns, professionalism, and technological influences.
Course Delivery Lectures Readings Laboratory Sessions Purpose: Introduce how the course is taught (delivered) Notes: Provides a good balance of conceptual and practical. Some material from lectures is directly applied to practical session, e.g. Application Development (Lectures 11-13 and Practical Session 7-9) Some lecture material is more conceptual in nature and the practical more of examples of what can done in the specific area. Lectures Support by readings Laboratory sessions Software (most of this software will be explored later in the course) MS Access (both a database and development environment) Power Designer (Modelling tool – CASE – ERD, database generation, and UML) Tutorials Tie the conceptual and practical together Working collaboratively Not every week - Only one lecture during tutorials weeks - Examinable (in fact everything is examinable – unless otherwise stated) - Discussion questions available from Blackboard week before. - Bring prepared answers along. - Practical group related exercises will be conducted on the day. Course Delivery Lectures Readings Laboratory Sessions Tutorials (4 weeks)
Practical Test (10%) & Project Submission (10%) Course Calendar Week Lectures Tutorials Practical Sessions Assessment # Topic 1 Introduction Information System 2 Building Information Systems 3 Managing the Development Project Project Management Replaced by tutorial 4 Understanding the Solution Analysis 5 Designing the Solution Quiz number 1 (5%) 6 User Interface Design 7 Conceptual Database Design Data Modeling Database Development 8 Logical Database Design Midterm exam (20 %) 9 Using Database 10 Constructing the Solution 11 Debugging and Testing Programming Application Development 12 Distributing Information System Quiz number 2 (5 %) 13 Business on the Web 14 Maintaining the System Practical Test (10%) & Project Submission (10%) 15 The Enterprise 16 Final Exam
Assessment Quiz and Midterm Practical Test and Project Final Examination
Overview Supporting Enterprises Introduction to Information Systems Distinction and role of Data and Information Components of Information Systems Types of Software
System What is a System? Examples of systems: A set of elements or components that interact to accomplish goals (Stair and Reynolds, 2003) Examples of systems: A courier business, education systems, transport system, computer systems, telecommunication systems, etc. Basic Components or functions Inputs – capturing and assembling elements Processing – transformation processes that convert input into output Output – transferring elements produced by a transformation process to their ultimate destination.
Information Systems Definition: “… is a set of interrelated components that collect (input),manipulate (process), and disseminate (output) data and information … to mean an objective” Types of IS Manual: Investment analyst manually draw charts and trend lines Computer-based information systems (CBIS): We will focus on this type of system. Data Raw Data Information [Stair and Reynolds, 2006] Documents & Reports
How IS Supporting Enterprises? Main Functions Marketing:promotion, sale of existing products,services, etc. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): “covers methods and technologies used by companies to manage their relationships with clients. Sales force automation: All activities are conducted electronically. Human Resource Management:Recruitment, placement, evaluation, compensation, etc. Typical HR information system would be the payroll system Productions/Operations:Planning and control of the processes producing goods or services Systems required to monitor and control inventories (supply of raw materials), purchases, etc.
Main Functions (Continued………) Accounting: Oldest and most widely used information systems for recording and reporting on business transactions & tracking the flow of funds Financial statements such as balance sheets and income statements are produced, Management Information Systems are also used to help in developing financial budgets etc. Finance: Support financial managers with financing the organisation Cash management: Forecast and manage cash position by collecting information on cash receipts and disbursements. Credit management: Monitor & control creditors information Investment management: Manage short-term investments Capital budgeting Financial forecasting: Forecast financial performance and financing needs
Types of Information Systems Examples … Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) Management Information Systems (MIS) Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems Virtual Reality Systems (VRS) Enterprise resource planning (ERP) - Linking multiple applications and databases for different functional areas such as Accounting, Warehouse, Sales in an organisation together Customer relationship management (CRM) - Used to monitor and control interactions with customers and use data from this to drive sales and improve customer service Supply chain management (SCM) …
Types of Application Software Develop a kind program Purchase existing application Modify off-the-shelf [Stair and Reynolds, 2006]
Advantages & Disadvantages of Customised Customised (bespoke or proprietary) software Advantages Exactly what you need – features, etc. Involved in the development process – further level of control over the results Flexibility making modifications – you are able to change to meet new requirements Disadvantages Development: can a take a long time and uses significant resources (cost) With in-house development: it can be costly to allocate the time or maintain the expertise of staff Feature and performance risk: unsure of the unknown.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Generic Generic (off-the-shelf) software Advantages Lower initial cost (purchase cost is less than development cost) Less likely that the software will fail – can match business need to known existing features Likely to be High quality because many customers tested and identify bugs Disadvantages Paying for features that are not required (but come with the package) Costly further development: may lack features or requirements could change – required expensive future changes or customization May not be able to find software that match current requirements, work processes, and data standards.
Components of Information System [Stair and Reynolds, 2006]
Data vs. Information Data are raw facts (stored) or observations (typically physical phenomena or business transactions) Data takes many forms: traditional alphanumeric data (numbers and alphabetical) text data (sentences and paragraphs) image data (graphic shapes and figures) audio data (human voice and other sounds) Note: Data is the plural of datum – through data commonly represents both singular and plural forms. Information Collection of facts organized in such a way that they convey value Data converted into something meaningful and useful within specific context of end user Value of Information is subjective
Data vs. Information (Example) [Source: Hagg el at, 2004]
Data Transformation The transformation Process may aggregate, manipulate, and organize data analyse its content and evaluate (to perform calculations) place in a proper context for human users
Quality Information Accurate Complete Economical Current Relevant Others … Accessible The right people need to get the information at the right time. Secure Information is only access by unauthorized users.
Accurate Accurate information is error free. Common source of inaccurate information is inaccurate data. Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO) Reliable – Needs to know that the information is true. Complete Valuable information contain all the important facts Economical The value of information has to weight up against its cost (as with everything in business) Relevant Relevant for the objective desired for information (no need for extra information) Current (timely) Information needed to be available when it is needed.
Purpose: This diagram provides an overview of the course Purpose: This diagram provides an overview of the course. The focus being on systems development and what is involved in that process (including their relevance to implementation at three levels: User Interface, Processing, and Data). Showing the significance development and information systems play in enterprise. Lastly, illustrating the influence technology has of development and types of information systems. Notes: Systems Development * Planning - Goals - Objectives - Define the problem - Schedule - Understand environment - Assess feasibility - Form teams - Strategies * Analysis - Specify - Understand user needs - Observe - Discover - Interview - Prioritise - Document requirements * Design - Validate - Formalise - Design solution - Select alternatives * Implementation - Train users - Build - Deploy - Document - Test * Support - Maintain - Evolve - Enhance - Monitor - Respond - Support - Fix
Enterprise People, Business processes, Information flow, Functions, Ethics/Integrity, Organisational structures, Strategy and Management Information Systems TPS, GIS, VRS and more ... Technologies Architectures, Networks, Internet, Hardware, Security, Languages (e.g. visual basic, C#, Java), Environments and more ...
Video Store IS Example
Example Database – Video Store Microsoft Access database and a subsection of data Video Code Title 10-0000-0 Star Wars: Episode IV 10-0000-2 Star Wars: Episode V 10-0000-3 Star Wars: Episode VI Hire Number Member ID Video Code Date of Loan Due Date 142 13 10-0000-0 05-Jul-04 10-Jul-04 143 10-0000-3 144 14 20-0000-1 Member ID Title Surname First Name 13 Mr. Burns Montgomery 14 Simpson Homer 15 Flanders Ned 16 Drinkwell Moe
Summary Information Systems play a critical role in supporting all facets of enterprises Information Systems Convent data into information Collection of interrelated components Software component Acquire or build (our focus) References Stair and Reynolds, Principles of Information Systems, 7th Edition, Thomson, 2006