ISU This course is all about learning, exploring and discussing various religions and religious issues in our society. Throughout history and in current events, religion has been controversial and as such it is important for us to be aware and informed of events, issues and stereotypes that are presented in the media and society in general.
ISU This assignment will consist of a report or essay that is to be presented in either a multi-media presentation or a written paper. Each component will be weighted equally and constitutes 15% of your final mark. Students will work individually to either:
ISU identify and investigate a socio-religious issue of current significance and explain both sides of this issue; choose one of the two essay topics, create a thesis and argue your point of view; investigate and describe the history, origins, important figures, belief systems, worship practices and rituals of one pre-modern religion. (Multi-media only)
ISU Structure Whether you are writing a report, writing an essay, or doing a presentation, your introduction will include a focus of some sort.
ISU Structure In a report, it will be a focus statement. This statement will guide and shape your writing. In a report, you: –describe and explain –provide the audience with clear, factual, relevant, and accurate information to understand both sides of the controversial issue
For this report: –You are answering the question: ‘Why is this issue controversial?’ Report both sides of the issue: –Religious viewpoint VS Secular viewpoint –Religious belief VS Human rights
ISU Structure In an essay, it will be a thesis statement. This statement will guide and shape your writing. In an essay, you: –argue and persuade –provide the audience with a perspective and position to make a judgment about an issue or topic.
Report Topics Controversial Issues Suicide Hebron Martyrdom Abortion Euthanasia Faith Healing Pilgrimages Missionaries Cults Scientology Arranged Marriages Polygamy Human cloning The Kirpan Gay Marriage Rastafarianism The DaVinci Code Gender roles in religion Female clergy (Ordination) The Passion of the Christ Religious genocide Nigerian civil war Sudanese civil war Multi-faith marriages Stem cell research Capital punishment Creation vs Evolution Turbans in the RCMP The existence of miracles Anti-Semitism Muhammad cartoons Rev. Terry Jones Falun Gong / Falun Dafa Pope Benedict XVI & Islam Religious rights vs Free speech Christian right and the Republicans Jerusalem as an international city Religious rights in Tibet vs Chinese sovereignty Separate school funding in Ontario Religion in public schools (Valley Park MS) The Hijab / Niqab in the west Sexual abuse in the Catholic church Televangelists (ie. Benny Hinn) Religious fundamentalism India/Pakistan conflict (Kashmir) Northern Ireland conflict Israeli / Palestinian conflict Other – approved by teacher Pre-modern religionsAztec, Mayan, Inca, Greek, Egyptian, Norse, Maasai, Zulu, Inuit, Haida, Huron… Other – approved by teacher
Essay Topics Possible Written Essay Topics Compare and contrast the lives and teachings of two of the following individuals (Zoroaster, Jesus, Buddha or Mohammad). What did they have in common? How are they different? Explain whether you think the similarities or the differences are greater? Choose an important religious figure (that we have not discussed in class) and explain why this person had an influential role in the success or failure of the development of that faith or religion. Be sure to discuss how they were viewed by people outside of the faith.