TOPAZ ELEMENTS IMPLEMENTATION Animal Protocols Animal Orders, Census, and Billing
WHAT IS HAPPENING? The Animal Resource Facility ( ARF ) and Office of Animal Care Compliance ( OACC ) are upgrading the electronic, database management systems currently used for animal protocols ( TOPAZ Enterprise ), and orders, census, and billing (non-web based GRANITE )to a newer, enhanced, fully integrated Web-Based version called TOPAZ Elements
WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? TOPAZ Elements will allow: PIs to have better oversight of animal handling activities to include web-based, real-time reports on animal orders, census and billing ARF and OACC staff to more easily manage animal protocols and animal orders, census and billing as well as more easily extract information from the system IACUC members to perform better, more efficient, and more thorough protocol reviews The Institution to become more compliant with local, state, and federal mandates
WHO WILL BE AFFECTED? All animal handlers including PIs, Co-PIs, Research Techs, etc. End-user training will be offered and a training schedule has been sent out via Survey Monkey People who order animals will have to attend a mandatory training session People who submit animal protocols are highly encouraged to attend a training session to go over the enhancements
HOW WILL THIS AFFECT ME? Existing animal protocols will be transitioned into TOPAZ Elements by the OACC staff Animal protocols will be submitted by completing new forms in the TOPAZ Elements system upon submission of an annual renewal, a three year renewal, the first major amendment, or after several minor amendments PIs may choose to submit on the new protocols forms as soon as they like after the Go Live date in order to achieve full functionality in the new system. Animal orders, census, and billing information will be transitioned to the new system prior to the Go Live date and all new activity will be done in the new system after the Go Live date The first billing in the new TOPAZ Elements system will coincide with FY16 and will encompass the time from Go Live to July 31 st
WHEN IS THIS HAPPENING? TOPAZ Elements Go Live date is Thursday, June 25 th Deadline for submitting Main Campus animal protocols was May 28 th Deadline for submitting HSC animal protocols is June 11 th Submissions between those deadline dates and the Go Live date will be handled manually then updated in the new system
QUESTIONS? Animal Billing Animal Census Animal Orders Animal Protocols
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Animal Protocols Katy Mirowsky-Garcia, Operations Manager, OACC, , Victoria Sugita, Compliance Specialist, OACC, , Animal Orders and Census Kristy Chavez, Unit Administrator, ARF, , Animal Billing and Census Monica Candelaria, Accountant, ARF, ,