Welcome and thank you for joining us!
English: Story writing with a focus on describing characters and setting, as well as story structure. Recounts Poetry Creating an atmosphere in our writing as well as including dialogue and writing playscripts. Non-chronological reports Curriculum Overview
Maths Place value Addition and subtraction of high numbers Properties of shape Multiplication, including both written and mental multiplication Fractions and decimals Word problems, including word problems that involve more than 1 step Measurement (weight) Curriculum Overview
Religion Family and homes: God’s dream for every family and the family of God in Scripture. Baptism and confirmation: promises made and a call to witness. Advent/Christmas: waiting for the coming of Jesus and God’s gift of love and friendship. Science Sound Electricity History Roman Britain Curriculum Overview
Every child has a R.E.D. (Read Every Day) book. This needs to be signed by a parent or carer each day. Every day your child needs to complete one question. Spellings Follows a school-wide program Practice spelling each word 5 times. Write one sentence for each word. R.E.D Books and Spellings
Read with your child every day and ask questions about what they read. Ask your child about what they learned today and what they enjoyed at school. Practice times tables (your child will be tested each week). Check if they have homework and help them if necessary. Helping at Home
This is work given to practice at home. They are skills that your child has mastered and it is an opportunity to practice and show you what they can do. English or RE: an activity that could take up to 30 minutes. Maths: 2 maths sheets are sent out each week. Spellings: practicing their words and writing each word in a sentence. Home Practice
It is very important that your child is on time to school. Lessons start promptly at 9:00 and being absent or late has an effect on their learning. Being on time now is good practice for the future. Attendance and Punctuality
Please hand in the contact sheets that were given at the beginning of this year. Update the school with any information changes throughout the year. These sheets are very important because they are how we contact you with any issues that arise at school. Contact Sheets
Please update the school with any medication your child needs. If anything changes, the school needs to be informed so that your child can be properly cared for. Medical
We are available before school until 8:30 every morning. After the children are dismissed (around 3.40). Call the school and ask to book an appointment around your work schedule. We are happy to talk any day. Please speak to us as soon as any question or problem arises to ensure that we have good support between school and home. Making appointments
We will be sending out a letter each half-term with any important information, including curriculum information and what you will need to know for the upcoming half-term. Half-Termly Letter
Please join us as we pray for the new school year, the children, staff and families. Thank You for Attending our Meeting.