Human Development Across the Lifespan Chapter 10 Human Development Across the Lifespan
Chapter 10 Preview Studying Development Physical Development Across the Life Span Cognitive Development Across the Life Span Acquiring Language
Chapter 10 Preview Social Development Across the Life Span Sex and Gender Differences Moral Development Learning to Age Successfully Recapping Main Points
Developmental Psychology Interaction between physical and psychological processes Stages of growth from conception throughout entire life span
Stages in Life Span Development Table 10.1, page 261
Normative Investigations Studying Development Normative Investigations Chronological age Developmental age
Cross-Sectional Design Studying Development Designs Longitudinal Design Cross-Sectional Design
Babies Prewired for Survival Can you think of any others? Repertory of survival reflexes at birth Visual preferences
Locomotion Figure 10.5, page 267
General Principles of Physical Development Cephalocaudal principle Proximodistal principle
Physical Development Across the Life Span Bodily changes, maturation and growth that occur in organism beginning with conception and continuing across life span
Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Research Figure 10.1, page 262
Physical Development Fetus Fetal Stage Embryo Embryonic Stage Zygote Prenatal and Childhood Development Zygote Germinal Stage Embryo Embryonic Stage Fetus Fetal Stage
Babies Prewired for Survival Physical Development Babies Prewired for Survival Robert Fantz Eleanor Gibson Richard Walk
Physical Development Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Teratogen Any environmental factor that causes structural abnormalities in fetus Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
Development of Human Brain Figure 10.2, page 264
Physical Development Figure 10.4, page 266
Growth and Maturation in Childhood Physical Development Growth and Maturation in Childhood Maturation Age-related physical and behavioral changes characteristic of species Continuing influence of heredity throughout development
Physical Development in Adolescence Puberty Menarche Attainment of sexual maturity Onset of menstruation
Physical Changes in Adulthood Vision Hearing Reproductive and sexual functioning
Cognitive Development Development of process of knowing, imagining, perceiving, reasoning, and problem-solving Cognitive Development
Cognitive Development John Locke Jean-Jacques Rousseau Nature versus Nurture
Normative Investigations Studying Development Chronological age Developmental age Normative Investigations
Designs Studying Development Longitudinal Design Cross-Sectional Design Designs
Jean Piaget’s Insights Building Blocks of Developmental Change Assimilation New cognitive elements are fitted in with old elements or modified to fit more easily Accommodation Restructuring cognitive structures so that new information can fit into them more easily Schemes Cognitive structure used to interpret world and adapt to environment
Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development Figure 10.2, page 270
Stages in Cognitive Development Sensorimotor Stage 0-2 years old Object permanence Preoperational Stage 2-7 years old Egocentrism Centration
Stages in Cognitive Development Concrete Operations Stage 7-11 years old Conservation Reversibility
Tests of Conservation
Stages in Cognitive Development Formal Operations Stage 11 years to adulthood Abstract and hypothetical thinking
Contemporary Perspectives on Early Cognitive Development Infant Cognition Renee Baillargeon Research
Theory of Mind Theory of mind Ability to explain and predict other people’s behavior based on understanding of their mental states
Theory of Mind Table 10.3, page 272
Contemporary Perspectives on Early Cognitive Development Social and Cultural Influences Lev Vygotsky Internalization
Cognitive Development in Adulthood Intelligence “Crystallized” intelligence “Wisdom “Fluid” intelligence
Cognitive Development in Adulthood Selective Optimization with Compensation Paul and Margaret Baltes
Cognitive Development in Adulthood Memory Age- related declines typically evident in only some abilities
Acquiring Language Grammar Phonology Syntax Semantics Pragmatics Rules of language Phonology Phoneme Syntax Morpheme Semantics Lexical meaning Pragmatics
Perceiving Speech and Words Acquiring Language Perceiving Speech and Words Learning New Words Perceiving Speech and Words Phonemes Child-directed speech
Dan Slobin Language-making capacity Acquiring Grammar Noam Chomsky Innate Dan Slobin Language-making capacity Acquiring Grammar Noam Chomsky Children are born with mental structures that facilitate comprehension and production of language Dan Slobin Children bring innate constraints to task of learning particular language Language-making capacity Overregularization
Acquiring Language Figure 10.8, page 278
Social Development Social Development Ways in which individuals’ social interactions and expectations change across life span
Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages Trust vs. Mistrust Autonomy vs. Self-doubt Initiative vs. Guilt Competence vs. Inferiority Identity vs. Role Confusion Intimacy vs. Isolation Generativity vs. Stagnation Ego-integrity vs. Despair
Psychology in Your Life What happens when children become bilingual? Would you engage your own child to become bilingual? Why? Why not? Read more about this on page 278 of your text.
Social Development in Childhood Socialization Lifelong process through which individual’s behavior patterns, values, standards, skill, attitudes and motives are shaped to conform to those seen as socially desirable
Social Development in Childhood Temperament Biologically-based level of emotional and behavioral response to environmental events Sets stage for later aspects of social development Jerome Kagan
Social Development in Childhood Attachment Intense, enduring, social-emotional relationship Konrad Lorenz Imprinting John Bowlby Internal working model
Social Development in Childhood Strange Situation Test Securely attached Insecurely attached - avoidant Insecurely attached - ambivalent/resistant Attachment and Mary Ainsworth
Social Development in Childhood Manner in which parents rear children Impact on attachment relationships Parenting Styles
Classification of Parenting Styles Figure 10.10, page 283
Social Development in Childhood Harry Harlow’s monkeys Contact comfort Stephen Suomi Cross-fostering Contact Comfort and Social Experience Lack of close, loving relationship in infancy affects physical growth and even survival Human Deprivation
Social Development in Adolescence G. Stanley Hall Storm and Stress Anna Freud Maragret Mead and Ruth Benedict Erik Erikson Independence Experience of Adolescence
Social Development in Adolescence James Marcia Expanded on Erikson’s analysis Identity diffusion Foreclosure Moratorium Identity achievement Identify Formation
Social Deveolpment in Adolescence Complete with parents to shape attitudes and behaviors Friendships Cliques Crowds More likely to engage risky behaviors when under peer influence Peer Relationships
Critical Thinking in Your Life How does day care affect children’s development? Use findings from your text on page 286 to answer this question.
Social Development in Adulthood Capacity to make full commitment Selective social interaction theory Laura Carstensen Intimacy Commitment beyond one’s self and one’s partner George Vaillant Generativity
Sex and Gender Differences Sex Differences Biologically based characteristics that distinguish males and females Gender Psychological phenomenon referring to learned sex-related behaviors and attitudes
Sex and Gender Differences Gender Identity Individual’s sense of maleness or femaleness Includes awareness and acceptance of one’s sex Gender Roles Patterns of behavior regarded as appropriate for males and females in particular society
Sex and Gender Differences Acquisition of Gender Roles Eleanor Maccoby Young children are segregationists Many gender differences result of peer relationships
Morality Moral Development System of beliefs, values, and underlying judgments about the rightness or wrongness of human acts
Lawrence Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development and Reasoning Preconventional Conventional Principled
Gender and Cultural Perspectives on Moral Reasoning Carol Gilligan Women’s morality is based on standard of caring for others Men’s morality is based on standard of justice
Learning to Age Successfully Successful Aging Selective Optimization with Compensation Optimization Compensation
Recapping Chapter 10 Main Points Studying Development Prenatal and Childhood Development Physical Development in Adolescence Physical Changes in Adulthood Physical Development Across the Life Span
Recapping Chapter 10 Main Points Piaget’s Insight Contemporary Perspectives Cognitive Development in Adulthood Cognitive Development Across the Life Span Perceiving Speech and Perceiving Words Learning Word Meanings Acquiring Grammar Acquiring Language
Recapping Chapter 10 Main Points Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages Social Development in Childhood Social Development in Adolescence Social Development in Adulthood Social Development Across the Life Span Sex Differences Gender Identity and Gender Roles Sex and Gender Differences
Recapping Chapter 10 Main Points Kohlberg’s Stages Gender and Cultural perspectives Moral Development Learning to Age Successfully