CHILD PSYCHOLOGY 1 Unit 1: Developmental Domains and Theories
CHARACTERISTICS OF DEVELOPMENT Researchers have found that child development follows 5 general rules: 1. Development is similar for each individual- Children go through the same stages in about the same order, for example all babies lift their heads before they lift their bodies. 2. Development builds upon earlier learning- Development follows a sequence, or an order of steps. The skills a child learns at one stage build upon those mastered earlier. For example, a child learns to say single words before speaking in phrases or complete sentences.
CHARACTERISTICS OF DEVELOPMENT 3. Development proceeds at an individual rate- While all children pass through the same stages of development each child goes through these stages at his or her own pace. 4. The different areas of development are interrelated- Even though researched tend to focus on one area of development at a time, changes occur in many areas-body, mind, emotions-at the same time.
CHARACTERISTICS OF DEVELOPMENT 5. Development is a lifelong process- The rate of development varies. Sometimes it is rapid and sometimes less so. No matter what the pace is, development doesn’t stop.
3 DEVELOPMENTAL DOMAINS 1. PHYSICAL OR BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT Examples: Height, weight gain, muscle development. 2. COGNITIVE OR INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT Examples: Brain development (knowledge), language development 3. SOCIO-EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Examples: Social skills, coping skills, temperament.
INFLUENCES ON DEVELOPMENT Heredity is the biological transfer of certain characteristics from earlier generations. Blood type, eye color, and hair color are just a few of the characteristics determined by heredity. Environment refers to the people, places, and things that surround and influence a person, including family, home, school, and community.
T-CHART EXERCISE On small post-it notes write examples your OWN development and then decide whether or not that example of your development was influenced by heredity or your environment. For example, I have blue eyes. This is an example of my heredity development. Also, I speak English. This is an example of my environmental development. When you have written down 5 examples, stick them on the SMART board under the correct category-HEREDITY or ENVIRONMENTAL.
NATURE VS. NURTURE DEBATE Most human development theorists agree that both nature and nurture influence a person’s development. Some would argue one more than the other… WHAT DO YOU THINK?
DEBATE: NATURE VS. NURTURE Think about how you feel about how your heredity and/or environmental factors have influenced your OWN development. Pick a side, heredity OR environment, that you fill MOST impacts one’s development. Even if you believe they both equally influence one’s development you MUST select a side on which to debate in favor of- Right side of the room is HEREDITY and left side is ENVIRONMENT.
DEBATE RULES: ONE PERSON TALKS AT A TIME!!! Raise your hand when you’d like to speak and I will select who speaks next. All comments are respectful and not accusatory in any way, shape, or form. (Example, “You’re wrong!”) Anything personal shared by anyone (that may support their choice of side) is not to be shared beyond this classroom. This is a safe, non-judging, civil debate—in hopes of bringing up key issues that influence OUR development as humans.