Rural Community Report January to April 2014 Melissa Claire L. Masaluñga MD Pamela Anne C. Mondejar MD Javier Regner H. Saniano MD
UP-CHDP University of the Philippines Community Health and Development Program A partnership between the University and the Local Government and people of the municipality where planning,implementation, monitoring and evaluation are done with the active participation of the community.
UP-CHDP 2007 UP BOR approved creation of UP Manila Community Health and Development Program Identified a common site for immersion of students from different UP colleges Formed a partnership with the Municipality of San Juan, Batangas 2013 MOA with San Juan, Batangas ended MOA with AMIGA Interlocal Health Zone was signed
Timeline February 2013 Signing of the Memorandum of Agreement between the AMIGA Interlocal Health Zone, the Provincial Government of Cavite and UP Manila.
Timeline March 2013 AMIGA Orientation wherein the community was introduced to possible community programs assisted by the UP-CHDP.
Timeline March-July 2013 Problem Identification in selected barangays through focused group discussions and barangay assemblies based on the 6 building blocks for health.
Timeline July 18, 2013 Presentation and validation of data collected from April to July. Identification of AMIGA-wide program focus for the AMIGA-UP Partnership.
Timeline July to October 2013 Problem tree analysis from data collected from FGD’s from March to July 2013. Fiji, T. Health Systems Thinking. 2013.
General Emilio Aguinaldo Timeline November to December 2013 Selection of Focus Barangays Alfonso Mendez Indang General Emilio Aguinaldo Amadeo Sulsugin Luksuhin Palumlum Kaysuyo Palocpoc I&II Panungyan I&II Anuling Cerca I&II Anuling Lejos I&II Banaba cerca Tambo malaki Guyam malaki Harasan Poblacion I-IV Kaypaaba Lumipa Castanos Cerca Dagatan Pangil Talon Poblacion 5 -Selection of Focus Barangays based on the Criteria set by AMIGA and UP-CHDP.
Timeline January to April 2014 Establishing Rapport with Focus Barangays Identification of Key Leaders Household Census ACTIVITIES: Establishing rapport with Focus Barangays through general assemblies and community immersion Identification of Key Leaders as possible members of the Core Group for the Hypertension and Diabetes Program Household Census by the local barangay health workers for sample size estimation for the WHO STEPs Protocol
Timeline January to April 2014 Community Readiness Assessment of Focus Barangays Interprofessional Education Program
Manilyn Prudente-Espejo Organizational Structure Dr. Elizabeth R. Paterno CHDP Director Dr. Zorayda Leopando Amadeo Dr. Geohari Hamoy Mendez Dr. Florinda U. Canuto Indang Dr. Anthony Cordero G. E. Aguinaldo Dr. Louricha Opina-Tan Alfonso Jonnalyn Aguilar Manilyn Prudente-Espejo Rhosien Mae Garma
Objectives To provide learning opportunities for both the faculty and students of the University of the Philippines in the principles and practice of community health and development (LEARNING)
Objectives 2. To assist communities attain increasing capacities in their own health care and development through the Primary Health Care approach (SERVICE & RESEARCH)
TOP CAUSES OF MORBIDITY in AMIGA Alfonso Mendez Indang Gen Aguinaldo Amadeo URTI ANP ATP HTN UTI AGE Wounds DM BA Allergy Fever of unknown origin Abdominal Pain Other Non infective Gastroenteritis & Colitis Other Disorder of Urinary System Cough Dizziness Rash & other nonspecific skin eruption Certain early complications of Trauma, not elsewhere classified Dorsalgia Common Colds Skin Diseases Acute Respiratory Tract Infection Hypertension Bronchial Asthma GI Disorders Diarrhea Tension Headache Arthritis Acute Tonsillitis Infected Wounds Pneumonia Allergic Contact Dermatitis Bronchitis Gastritis Wound OA Skin diseases Based on Municipal Annual Reports
TOP CAUSES OF MORTALITY in AMIGA Alfonso Mendez Indang Gen Aguinaldo Amadeo Acute Myocardial Infarction Cancer Cerebrovascular Accident Pneumonia Diabetes Mellitus Renal Failure Congestive Heart Failure Electrolyte Imbalance secondary to Senile Debility Vehicular Accident Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Acute MI COPD CHF and other complications of heart diseases CVA Chronic Renal Failure Unspecified severe protein-calorie malnutrition Fetal death of unspecified causes Degenerative disease CHF Kidney diseases Pulmonary TB Shock Accidents, gunshot wounds, drowning Renal Disease Diabetes Mellitus with complications Septicemia Bronchial Asthma Gunshot wound Based on Municipal Annual Reports
Diabetes and Hypertension Program Non-Communicable Diseases ranked number 4 on the top 5 perceived health problems of AMIGA. Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus Based on the problem tree analysis done for the 5 Municipalities from July to October 2013, Non-Communicable Diseases ranked number 4 on the top 5 perceived health problems. - AMIGA Health Officials chose Hypertension and Diabetes as the two main health issues that would maximize the benefit from AMIGA-UP-CHDP partnership. problems based on the current status of AMIGA on the matter as well as the capacity of the UP-CHDP to assist in the issue.
Diabetes and Hypertension Program Increase the proportion of controlled HPN & DM by 25% in selected barangays in 5 years. Not more than 25% of pre-HPN and those with risk factors will develop the disease in 5 years (Primary Prevention Goal).
Process For Using the Community Readiness Model Component Programs Community Readiness Assessment Identify Your Issue Define “Community” Conduct Key Informant Interviews Score to Determine Readiness Level Develop Strategies / Conduct Workshops COMMUNITY CHANGE! Process For Using the Community Readiness Model - Assessment of the Stage of Readiness of the Community with regards to the issues of Hypertension and Diabetes, by evaluating six dimensions of readiness through key informant interviews, and in turn, developing appropriate strategies in accordance to the Community’s level of readiness.
Component Programs II. Inter-Professional Education Program Students and professionals from different colleges work towards a patient’s health care and goals. Family Medicine Nursing Medicine Pharma Dentistry Public Health Social Work Derma Pedia CAMP Patient and Family Occasions when students from two or more professions in health and social care learn together during all or part of their professional training with the object of cultivating collaborative practice for providing client or patient-centered health care.
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