LED Case Lighting in Vertical and Semi-Vertical Open Refrigerated Cases Eric Mullendore – Energy Analyst PECI 6/29/2010
Acknowledgements We would like to thank the following for their support: Avista Utilities Bonneville Power Administration Puget Sound Energy
Purpose Approval for new deemed measures for LED light bars in vertical and semi-vertical, open refrigerated display cases
Agenda Background Measure Description Energy Savings Cost Measure Life Program Specifications Conclusions
Background Existing RTF approved measures for LED Lighting in Reach-in Refrigerated Display Cases Units are ‘Foot of LED’ High and Low Power LED Bins with the Same Baseline Savings are weighted to represent mix of case temperatures and light operating hours Includes option to add motion sensors
Proposed Measures Units are ‘Foot of Fixture’ High and Low Power LED Bins with Different Baselines Savings are weighted to represent mix of light operating hours and lamp placement Includes option to reduce lighting levels to achieve greater savings No option to add motion sensor control at this time
Proposed Measures Measure Application Baseline Lamp Type Baseline Lamp Count New case or retrofit Energy Savings (kWh/ ft of fixture) Measure Life (years) Measure Cost ($/ ft of fixture) Benefit Cost Ratio Low Power LEDT121RET656 $ Low Power LEDT81RET386 $ Low Power LEDT81NEW286 $ High Power LEDT122RET1336 $ High Power LEDT82RET816 $ High Power LEDT82NEW626 $ DelampT121RET100NA $ - ∞ DelampT81RET74NA $ - ∞
Baseline All baselines assume lighting in vertical or semi-vertical, open medium temperature refrigerated cases. (Measure can be applied to low temperature case) Baseline variations: Lamp (T10/T12, T8) Lamp Count (1 or 2) Lamp Placement (Inside or Outside Refrigerated Space) Retrofit or New Final Rule for Commercial Refrigeration Equipment; Appendix B. USDOE. January 2009.
Measures Change Fluorescent Fixtures to LED High Power LED Fixtures- ≥4.5 to 9 W/ Ft of LED Installed under the canopy Replaces 2 fluorescent lamps Low Power LED Fixtures- <4.5 W/ Ft of LED Installed under the canopy, shelf or on the rail Replaces 1 fluorescent lamp Delamp Fluorescents Canopy may have +3 rows of fluorescents May delamp in combination with LED measure
Calculations & Variable Assumptions
Energy Savings Difference between annual Base and Proposed Consumption Direct Savings: Light Fixture Energy
Energy Savings Indirect Savings: Refrigeration Energy Portion of direct consumption rejects heat inside case Refrigeration system uses energy to remove heat
Energy Savings Assumed Values- Direct Power Consumption Fluorescent Power (W / Ft of fixture)* 1 Lamp T12 in Existing Case:10 - Grainger (40 W, 4 ft) 1 Lamp T8 in Existing Case: 8 - Grainger (32 W, 4 ft) 1 Lamp T8 in New Case: 7 - Manufacturer Specs (28 W, 4 ft) Drivers / Ballast Power Magnetic Ballast (T12)15% of lamp power- Grainger Electronic Ballast (T8) 5% of lamp power- Grainger LED Driver 10% of lamp power- Manufacturer Spec LED Power (W / Foot of fixture) Low Power (products range from 2.5 to 4.0):4.0 High Power (products range from 5.5 to 8.4):7.0 *Values doubled for two lamp fixtures.
Energy Savings Assumed Values- Indirect Power Consumption Annual Avg. EER (Btu/hr / W) Medium Temp System DOE2.2R Grocery Model methodology previously approved by RTF % Heat transferred to Refrigeration System Lamps Inside Refrigerated Space: 100% - DOE* Lamps Outside Refrigerated Space: 50% - DOE* Drivers/Ballast 0% - DOE* *Final Rule for Commercial Refrigeration Equipment; Analytical Spreadsheets. USDOE. January
*from rebates processed by PECI for +1,000 ft of medium temp cases that were retrofitted with LEDs Case Lighting Operational Hours* Weighting applied to all measures Weighting
*from data collected for +3,400 lamps during EnergySmart Grocer audits at 67 sites in the PNW Placement of Single Lamp Rows in Open Cases* Weighting applied to Low Power LED measures only Weighting
Costs Materials: Measure High Power Fixture(4 ft)$ Low Power Fixture (4 ft)$ Driver (2 Fixtures/Driver)$ Misc. Parts (per Fixture)$ 1.63 Prices from Distributor and marked up 25% Labor Per Fixture$ Installed Cost Per Foot of Fixture Ft of High Power Fixture $ Ft of Low Power Fixture$ Materials: Baseline (New Case Only) T8 Fixture- 2 Lamp$72.42 Grainger T8 Fixture- 1 Lamp $58.91 Grainger
Measure Life LED Fixtures PG&E Study52,560 hours Product Claim 150,000 hours Product Claim 250,000 hours LED Drivers Product Claim 1 50, 000 hours Product Claim 250, 000 hours System 24 hr / day operation6 years 18 hr / day operation8 years
Program Specifications Restricted to refrigerated vertical or semi-vertical, open display cases (MT or LT). Must replace existing fluorescent fixture with a permanently installed LED fixture and driver. LED fixtures must have minimum CRI of 75 and provide a minimum of 70% of initial lumens at 50,000 hrs. Manufacturer’s warranty must be a minimum of three years. Incentives paid based on length of fixture. LED fixtures must be controlled by any baseline controls or timeclocks or a control system equivalent to baseline controls must be installed. Delamping measures must be combined with an LED retrofit measure.
Conclusion PECI seeks approval for the following deemed measures: Measure Application Baseline Lamp Type Baseline Lamp Count New case or retrofit Energy Savings (kWh/ ft of fixture) Measure Life (years) Measure Cost ($/ ft of fixture) Benefit Cost Ratio Low Power LEDT121RET656 $ Low Power LEDT81RET386 $ Low Power LEDT81NEW286 $ High Power LEDT122RET1336 $ High Power LEDT82RET816 $ High Power LEDT82NEW626 $ DelampT121RET100NA $ - ∞ DelampT81RET74NA $ - ∞