CONTENT Regulations on the waste management in TurkeyRegulations on the waste management in Turkey Current Status on hazardous waste management in TurkeyCurrent Status on hazardous waste management in Turkey Basel Convention/By-law on the Control of Hazardous WasteBasel Convention/By-law on the Control of Hazardous Waste Aliağa Ship Dismantling RegionAliağa Ship Dismantling Region Backround of PermittingBackround of Permitting The conditions of permittingThe conditions of permitting
THE CURRENT SITUATION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT IN TURKEY Current Management Applications Municipal Waste Packaging Waste Hazardous Waste Special Waste
5 Current status on hazardous wastes Current status on hazardous wastes Total Amount: 1,12 Million Tonnes/year TURKSTAT 2004 Hazardous Waste
İZAYDAŞ 1 unit of landfill site for hazardous wastes (Total Capacity: tone/year) ERDEMİR (Landfill) (Capacity: tone/year) İSKEN (Landfill) (Capacity: tone/year * 181 Recovery Facilities TOTAL Capacity of 2,262,008 Tonnes/year * 181 Recovery Facilities TOTAL Capacity of 2,262,008 Tonnes/year Hazardous Waste Landfill and Recovery Facilities CURRENT STATUS
Hazardous Waste Disposal Facilities waste incineration plants Co-incineration Facilities 29 cement facilities have been licensed. Capacity tonnes/year CURRENTSTATUSFacilityProvince Design Capacity (tons/year)
Hazardous Waste Disposal Facilities As of 2009, The capacity of these facilities is not meeting the needs of industry. Apart from these, there is also a pilot scale facility licensed to recycle hazardous waste by gasification at Kemerburgaz, Istanbul, which is capable of handling 29,000 tons of waste per year. Moreover, there are 3 integrated facilities ( Egean, Inner Anatolia, Marmara Regions) those constructions are on going.
Ship Recycling -International agenda Ship Recycling -International agenda Main agents since late 1990s UN UN 1. IMO 2. ILO 3. UNEP NGOs NGOs Guidelines developed
Key Issues 1. Basel Convention Equivalent level of control Equivalent level of control -Environmentally Sound Management -Prior Inform (Written) Consent Interim Measures Interim Measures 2. International Maritime Organization (IMO) - Safe shipping - Practical mechanizm, reporting system 3. International Labour Organization (ILO) - Workers health and safety - Training, protective measures, management
Objectives for Waste Management Control in National Legislation Protect the environment and human health from potential adverse consequences of waste management activities Protect the environment and human health from potential adverse consequences of waste management activities Prevent long term problems from arising Prevent long term problems from arising Provide reassurance to the public and others that waste is being managed properly Provide reassurance to the public and others that waste is being managed properly Ensure sustainable management of wastes by compliance with environmental laws Ensure sustainable management of wastes by compliance with environmental laws
ESM in practice- Standarts and national Legislation Basel Convention (ratified in 1994) Basel Convention (ratified in 1994) Environmental Law (dated 1983 Numbered 2872) Environmental Law (dated 1983 Numbered 2872) By-law on the Control of Hazardous Waste ( 2005) By-law on the Control of Hazardous Waste ( 2005) - Environmental criteria that identify the expected level of environmental protection - Environmental and technical standards compatible with EU related standards - Monitoring and inspection issues (record keeping etc.)
BASEL CONVENTION Turkey has been a party to Basel Convention since A Control System based on prior written notification was put into place. T ransboundary movements of hazardous waste or other waste can take place only upon prior written notification by the State of export to the competent authorities of the States of import and transit.T ransboundary movements of hazardous waste or other waste can take place only upon prior written notification by the State of export to the competent authorities of the States of import and transit. Each shipment of hazardous waste or other waste must be accompanied by a movement document from the point at which a transboundary movement begins to the point of disposal.Each shipment of hazardous waste or other waste must be accompanied by a movement document from the point at which a transboundary movement begins to the point of disposal.
By Law on the Control of Hazardous Waste By-law on the Control of Hazardous Waste (CHW) entered into force on 14 March, Provides the regulation of waste management activies at domestic level Provides the regulation of waste management activies at domestic level Includes requirements for import and export of waste Includes requirements for import and export of waste Site specific permits ( license) issued with detailed conditions for site operation on prevention of pollution by limits of emissions to air, water and land. Site specific permits ( license) issued with detailed conditions for site operation on prevention of pollution by limits of emissions to air, water and land. Penalties for failure to comply Penalties for failure to comply
BY-LAW ON CHW (CONTD) Article 42 of HWC Contains provisions related to export of waste from Turkey Article 43 of HWC Contains provisions related to how to use the Notification Form Article 45 Regulates procedures and principles for international transportation of waste Article 46 Set rules regarding General Notification for one year Article 47 Defines illegal traffic and the obligation of taking waste back
PRINCIPLES INTO PRACTICE- POLICY OF TURKEY FOR SHIP RCYCLING Turkey MoEF interest driven by; Turkey MoEF interest driven by; Import of vessel named Sea Beirut in 2002 Import of vessel named Sea Beirut in 2002 Increasing demand for importation of vessels over 25 ages ( IMO) Increasing demand for importation of vessels over 25 ages ( IMO) Discussions at Basel Convention and IMO on ESM dismantling of vessels. Discussions at Basel Convention and IMO on ESM dismantling of vessels.
Aliağa Ship Dismantling Region The ship dismantling facilities in Aliağa-İzmir is the only ship dismantling area which the Ministry of Development and Housing approves on separeted excluding agricultural aims with Cabinet Decree No: 7/8951 dated
Back round of permitting Ministry of Environment and Forestry prepared a quide for the facilities in Aliağa The Basel Convention Technical Guidelines for the Environmentally Sound Management of the Full and Partial Dismantling of Ships by taking as a base. On behalf of facilities in Aliağa, Turkish Shipbreakers Association has prepared Action Plan according to this Guideline. This plan was agreed by MoEF. In this plan Time Schedule is given related to existing or future studies for waste management. Infrastructure studies for dismantling of ship containing asbestos and training course to staff for required equipment are completed. Ship Dismantling Permits have been given to the facilities firstly in 2004 and then according to the revisions they are extended.MoEF issued Ship Dismantling Permission for completed facilities which is valid for 3 years under certain circumstances. Ship Dismantling Permits have been given to the facilities firstly in 2004 and then according to the revisions they are extended. MoEF issued Ship Dismantling Permission for completed facilities which is valid for 3 years under certain circumstances.
Certain Criteria of permitting For each ship which comes for dismantling, notification procedure has to be applied including inventory of Wastes contain hazard (asbestos, PCB, etc )and processes can only made after the approval of Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The notification form and the Ship Recycling Plan The notification form and the Ship Recycling Plan Inventory proceedings Inventory proceedings If the asbestos waste arising from dismantling ship should not be disposed in licensed disposal facility in Turkey, it has to be provided that it will be send abroad for disposal, If the asbestos waste arising from dismantling ship should not be disposed in licensed disposal facility in Turkey, it has to be provided that it will be send abroad for disposal, Waste oil and bilge wastes, has to be stored temporary in tanks which have a security pool and prepared according the related By-law, other hazardous wastes have to be stored in appropriate containers or base resistant closed areas, an inventory report has to be prepared by the Association of Ship Recycling. Waste oil and bilge wastes, has to be stored temporary in tanks which have a security pool and prepared according the related By-law, other hazardous wastes have to be stored in appropriate containers or base resistant closed areas, an inventory report has to be prepared by the Association of Ship Recycling. National Waste Transportation Forms for all hazardous and licensed vehicles National Waste Transportation Forms for all hazardous and licensed vehicles licensed recyling/disposal facilities. licensed recyling/disposal facilities.
Certain circumstances of permitting Documentations for each ship dismantling activity has to be prepared by the company and the Association of Ship Recycling. An inventory report has to be in the Waste Register Book of the recycled ships. The waste purchase bill and the inventory report which has to be delivered to the Associations of Ship Recycling, could be watched through the inventory report. These documents have to be submitted to Ministry of Environment and Forestry in three montly periods. Documentations for each ship dismantling activity has to be prepared by the company and the Association of Ship Recycling. An inventory report has to be in the Waste Register Book of the recycled ships. The waste purchase bill and the inventory report which has to be delivered to the Associations of Ship Recycling, could be watched through the inventory report. These documents have to be submitted to Ministry of Environment and Forestry in three montly periods. Fire fighting equipments Fire fighting equipments Barriers Barriers education in specified periods education in specified periods Dust Mask, working suit, working shoes, gloves, hard hats and other protecting equipments Dust Mask, working suit, working shoes, gloves, hard hats and other protecting equipments concreted areas preventing sea and soil pollution. concreted areas preventing sea and soil pollution. activities, the samples from 4 different points from sea water and analyses (monthly) activities, the samples from 4 different points from sea water and analyses (monthly)
Ship Recyclıng Association Waste Management Center The Ship Recycling Association of Turkey has a license issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to remove and temporarily store a number of hazardous materials, including asbestos and PCBs Companies
IMPORT STAGE OF SCRAP VESSEL Scrap vessel MoEF (İzmir Province Directorate) Harbour Master PERMIT FOR IMPORT Aliağa Customs Office
Dismantling of ship Hazardous waste Product Asbestos Cable Bilge oil Batteries&accu Licensed R/D Facilities Report to MoEF Other waste
Required documents by MoEF at import stage Hazmat Inventory Hazmat Inventory Radiation Analyses Radiation Analyses Notification Document Notification Document Ship Recycling Plan Ship Recycling Plan Official Report which is prepared by Province Directore for that ship Official Report which is prepared by Province Directore for that ship Gas-free Document(Oxygen content of the atmosphere and concentration of flammable vapours) Gas-free Document(Oxygen content of the atmosphere and concentration of flammable vapours)
STUDIES ON ALİAĞA SHIP DISMANTLING REGION STUDIES ON ALİAĞA SHIP DISMANTLING REGION Aliağa Ship Dismantling Region has been inspected regularly by Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Undersecreteriat for Maritime Affairs, İzmir Province Directorate of Ministry of Environment and Forestry and İzmir Port Department since 2003
Policy of Turkey for vessels to be dismaned Until The Hong Kong Convention come into force; For import of vessels For import of vessels - Basel Convention, Waste Shipment Regulation of EU (1013/2006/EC) and By- Law on Hazardous Waste Control applies To improve the standards of facilities To improve the standards of facilities - Both existing and future Reccommendatory quidances of Basel and IMO is used
Summary Summary For successful ESM of Ship Recycling and its waste management: Facilities to operate in ESM standards Facilities to operate in ESM standards Technology to be appropriate for waste disposal Technology to be appropriate for waste disposal Good quality data and management systems in place Good quality data and management systems in place Effective communication between industry and Government Effective communication between industry and Government Sharing of best practice information Sharing of best practice information
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