Spatial ETL 1 April 2006 v Spatial ETL Bringing the Power of Location to Applications
Spatial ETL 2 Mission Statement We are committed to becoming the predominant global supplier of innovative spatial data interoperability solutions by continuing to deliver excellent service, excellent products and excellent value to our customers and partners. Or.. Data is a headache. We help people move, access, restructure, integrate, make use of, … data!
Spatial ETL 3 Location is ubiquitous: Google Maps, Google Earth, MapPoint, Yahoo Maps, MapQuest, GlobeXplorer… Everything has a location: Clients, stores, offices, employees, trucks, roads, wires, pipes, schools, hospitals, … Events happen somewhere: Storms, crimes, accidents, … Business Intelligence with Location is more Intelligent. The Power of Location Data is the fuel that is needed for all these applications
Spatial ETL 4 What is Location Data?
Spatial ETL 5 What is Spatial ETL? Multiple sources in one operation Multiple targets in one operation 220 V AC 220 V AC 220 V ~ 110 V CONVERTER Powerful Data Remodeling Capabilities. FME Currently has over 215 transformers! Fully internationalized engine currently supporting over 160 formats from all over the globe.
Spatial ETL 6 Value of Spatial ETL Decisions rely on users getting useful data in a timely fashion. Data is scattered all over the world in a myriad of formats, projections, and a variable state of health. Historically Decision Support has not worked with Location Data. location data was collected primarily for map production. location data now collected for analysis and other intelligent applications. Map production is not the most exciting thing you can do with your data. Spatial ETL is about getting the data from where it is to where it needs to be. It is not a data creation tool (GIS is for this) It is not a reporting tool.
Spatial ETL 7 Spatial ETL
Spatial ETL 8 What is Safe’s Role Major GIS vendors currently license our Spatial ETL technology. Autodesk, ESRI, Intergraph, MapInfo, …. Safe is the leading vendor in the Spatial ETL market. Traditional ETL vendors are now wanting Spatial capabilities. Leading Edge databases now support spatial natively. IBM DB2/Informix, Oracle, MySQL, PostGIS, … Spatial ETL is complimentary and a natural extension to ETL as spatial data was to databases. IBM, Informatica, Microsoft, Oracle, … are more powerful with spatial capabilities in their ETL offerings. Business/Location Intelligence Decision-making benefits from incorporation of location information. Safe Software is the company that focuses on bringing spatial data to all applications.
Spatial ETL 9 What does Safe Software Do? Quick Translation Move data easily from one system to another. Data Transformation Complete control of data restructuring. Graphical Environment for data restructuring. Data Integration Share data across boundaries without translation. 1. Software boundaries 2. Departmental boundaries 3. Across the MIS and GIS divide. 4. With Other Organizations All Safe products provide the ability above in different forms.
Spatial ETL 10 Spatial ETL Server FME Spatial ETL Server
Spatial ETL 11 FME Spatial ETL Server Spatial ETL Server Each User sees data the way they need it
Spatial ETL 12 Safe and Microsoft SSIS
Spatial ETL 13 Safe and Informatica PowerCenter
Spatial ETL 14 Conclusions Decisions rely on getting the Right Data to the Right People in the Right View at the Right Time. Historically only a few had access to information. Now as many as possible need access to information. Historically Decision Support has not worked with Location Data. Databases now support Location Data. Over the last decade the Spatial community has worked and continues to work to move data into databases. Spatial ETL Technology enables organizations to easily share location data within and accross organizations. Regardless of format or schema Without data reengineering costs. Safe’s technology is about making location data accessible to all applications.
Spatial ETL 15 Thank You Thank you for the opportunity to give an overview of our technology. For more information see our website at contact me via at Visit us at our booth in the exhibit area.