First period Second period PueblaFourth period Fifth periodThird period Portafolio de Evidencia Informatica 1 Realizado por Shamara Gutierrez Granados Grado y grupo: 1 st A Teacher: Jose Luis Carrillo Valdez Date: March
Evaluation Criteria Topics Practices The Prezi Presentation of invention Prezi technology Prezi invention power point Prezi mental map Word maps Becoming certified brochure Computer brochure Video
Exam Participation Project Laboratory Homework 35% 20% 15%
Evaluation Criteria Topics
Exam Participation Project Laboratory Homework 35% 20% 15%
Evaluation Criteria Topics
Exam Participation Project Laboratory Homework 35% 20% 15%
Evaluation Criteria Topics Pre practice Mario Bros Cartoons World Free Cube Topology Advertisement manufacturing Animation gif lego Our company Pacman Cycle life Portfolio Biology! Future
Evaluation Criteria Topics Personal entertainment Communication systems Manufacturing Transport New Technology
Here I do my first gif!! That it was like a pre- practice! Evaluation Criteria Topics Here I do mi first official practice using gifs! Here I do persons interacting between them!
In this I do the world turning around! Evaluation Criteria Topics Here I create my own brand of legos! Here I create a gif that is like a pacman game!
Here I do my design of my company and of what is about! Evaluation Criteria Topics In this I designd my own company! Here I create something called Topology!
Evaluation Criteria Topics In this I create the cycle of life but about me! I take a photo of my! Here I create a cube and then I transformed into a gif!
Evaluation Criteria Topics Here I do my proyect about the cycle of life that is about all the steps of the life! Here I do like a comercial of future cars!
Exam Participation Project Laboratory Homework 35% 20% 15%
Evaluation Criteria Topics
Exam Participation Project Laboratory Homework 35% 20% 15%
Evaluation Criteria Topics Here I do my brochure about the Cantona! Here I get some characteristics about Puebla!
Exam Participation Project Laboratory Homework 35% 20% 15%