Vocabulary connections:multi- word items in English
It is a vocabulary item which consist of a sequence of two or more words. Multi- word items 3 important criteria institutionalization Degree to which a muti- word item is conventionalised fixedness Degree in which a multi- word item is frozen Non- compositionality Degree in which a multi-word item cannot be interpreted collocations words that generally go together
Different types of multi word item compounds The largest and most tangible group Phrasal verbs Combinations of verbs and adverbial or prepositional particles idioms Expression that is produce by a combination of words Fixed phrases Very general term to cover a number of multi-word items prefabs Preconstructed Phrases.
Models of multi word items Semantic based model The most traditional. They attempt to differentiate between categories of multi word item Syntax- based model Take grammatical well- Formedness.
Kinds of evidence for multi word items Idioms variation : British- american varation: hold the fort (BR)- hold down the fort (US). Varying lexical components: burn your boast/ bridges. Unstable verbs: show, declare, reveal your true colours. Truncation: silver lining/every cloud has a silver lining. Transformation: blaze a trail/ trail-blazer/trail-blazing. Corpus evidence Text evidence Make possible to examine lexis in a more scientific and objetive way
Multi word items Second language learners Problem for L1 speakersL2 speakers Mayority of L2 speakers prefer to communicate with L2 speakers than L1 speakers This create that L2 speakers use multi word items in inappropriate semantic or discoursal context Some authors suggest that the best form to teach multi- word item is with short dialogues