Chapter 4: Syntax “I really do not know that anything has ever been more exciting than diagramming sentences.” -Gertrude Stein
We can create an infinite number of sentences John found a book in the library in the stacks on the fourth floor.
S V O language Your dog chased my cat. S V O S V O My cat chased your dog. S V O S V O
The natural breaks in a sentence: My dog chased your cat. My dog (noun phrase) chased your cat (verb phrase) My dog chased yourcat verb phrase noun phrase
Constituency test: 1)Can stand alone 2)Can be replace by a pronoun or “do” 3)Can move as a unit My dog chased your cat. These natural breaks are constituents
Phrasing Noun phrase(NP) Noun phrase(NP) Verb phrase (VP) Verb phrase (VP) Prepositional phrase (PP) Prepositional phrase (PP) Adjective phrase (AdjP) Adjective phrase (AdjP) Adverb phrase(AdvP) Adverb phrase(AdvP) Complementizer phrase(CP) Complementizer phrase(CP)
Categories CCP SAdvAdvP AdjAdjP PPP AuxVVP DetNNP FunctionalLexicalPhrasal
My dog chased yourcat Mydog chased yourcat NPVP NP S The dog chased your cat.
Thechild read abook NPVP NP S Phrase Structure Trees
Thestudent did her homework NPVP NP S
Thestudent did NP homework NPVP NP S PP NP herin theLibrary The student did her homework in the library.
The student did NP homework NPVP NP S PP NP herin theLibrary The new student did her homework in the library. new NP
Practice: The old tree swayed in the wind. The old tree swayed in the wind. The frightened passenger landed the crippled airliner. The frightened passenger landed the crippled airliner. The hot sun melted the ice. The hot sun melted the ice. The house on the hill collapsed in the wind. The house on the hill collapsed in the wind.