Beliefs and Customs
Geography Unlike the early river civilizations, the rise of what we understand as Greek culture is largely dependent on the sea. Most of Greece is semiarid, rocky and mountainous.
Polis City state It is where we get words like Police, Political, Cosmopolitan It defines the political unit and structure of the Greeks. Each Polis had a god that represented them. Athens, Athena
Why do we study mythology? Like the Vedas, The Hammurabi Law Stone, the Epic of Gilgamesh, The Art of War and Instructions of the Vizier literature and tradition is an important part of the Archeological Record. It gives us insight into how this civilization lived their life.
The Greek Pantheon The Greek Pantheon is made up of 12 major Greek gods or deities. These gods each served a different function in the life of the ancient Greeks. They displayed human emotions: Love, Jealousy and Anger.
Zeus Father and King of the gods. He was responsible for fate of human beings, weather and the sky. Also, that of Greek Kings. His parents were Titans, or giants of old. He ruled Olympus and sought justice.
Poseidon Brother of Zeus, king of the oceans, rivers, earthquakes and horses. Responsible for granting safe passage to seafarers and a bountiful catch of fish. Second most powerful god.
Hera Queen of Olympus and wife of Zeus. Responsible for human marriage, women and babies.
Demeter Sister of Zeus. Responsible for the harvest, grain and bread and the afterlife. Her symbol is the Cornucopia.
Apollo Son of Zeus. Responsible for music, education, healing and disease. He is often portrayed with a lyre.
Artemis Daughter of Zeus and Sister of Apollo. goddess of hunting, children, wild animals and choirs. Can be depicted carrying a bow and arrow or a spear.
Athena Goddess, sister of Apollo and Artemis, daughter of Zeus. Responsible for war strategy, heroism, counsel. Can be depicted wearing the Greek war helmet.
Ares Son of Zeus and Hera. God responsible for war, bravery and courage. Most always depicted with the helmet and spear.
Aphrodite Daughter of Zeus, wife of Hephaestus. Depicted a lot with Ares Goddess of beauty and love. Depicted with the apple or dove.
Hermes Son of Zeus. God of Animal Husbandry, Travel, Trade, Athletics, Language, Thievery, Good Luck, Guide of the Dead, Herald of the gods. The “messenger.”
Hephaestus Son of Hera, no father. God of Metalworking, Fire, Building, Sculpture, Volcanism. Most often depicted with fire and tongs.
Dionysus Son of Zeus. God of wine, parties and the afterlife. Often depicted with grapes or the wine glass.
Hestia Sister of Zeus. Goddess of the home, hearth, family and meals. Often depicted with the kettle.
Also important Hades and Persephone. King and Queen of the underworld. Hades is the brother of Zeus. There is much conflict between Zeus and Hades.
Afterlife The dead needed money to pay the ferry man Charon. If they did not have money they would wander the banks of the river Styx. Four levels, Elysium, Tartarus, Asphodel and the fields of punishment.
Who would you choose to represent you? Choose one of the above named gods and write out why you would choose that god to represent your Polis. Then, draw a depiction of your city and name it. Turn this in at then end of the period.