Ancient Greek Culture and Plato Quiz
Directions Before taking the quiz, if you so desire, exchange phone numbers with one another so you may text message someone in class (or not in class) to assist you in answering the following questions regarding ancient Greece. Please be sure to restate the question as part of your answer, write in complete sentences, and answer all parts of the question or only partial credit will be received.
Questions 1-3 (of 10) 1.On which continent is Greece located and what is the name of one of the seas that it borders? 2.What is the name of the mountain where the ancient Greeks believed their gods lived? 3.What is considered the most important city in Greece and for what political development is it best known?
Questions 4-6 (of 10) 4.What were the names of the main city states that were at war with one another in ancient Greece? 5.What are the names of the two most famous stories of ancient Greece? 6.What are the names of the three most famous Greek philosophers?
Questions 7-10 (of 10) 7.What innovation did Greek sculpture have and how did their sculptors reflect Greek architects? 8.What is the Parthenon, where it is located, and why was it built? 9.Which gods comprised the 12 Olympians of ancient Greek religious beliefs and what were their functions? 10. What was the name of the first American spacecraft to reach the moon and what does its name mean in Greek?