3/24/09 BR- Instead of doing experiments, how did ancient Greek scientists and philosophers learn about the world? Today: Lasting Greek Culture Look around and its hard to imagine where we’d be without many of the Greek Ideas Today: Lasting Greek Culture Look around and its hard to imagine where we’d be without many of the Greek Ideas ThesisChronologyDistinguishPerspective
Assignment: Lasting Greek Culture (75 Points You must present 1 aspect of Greek Culture that has influenced our lives of today. You should use any of the topics from Chapters in your book. The assignment is due on Wednesday, April 1 (no fooling!) You must present 1 aspect of Greek Culture that has influenced our lives of today. You should use any of the topics from Chapters in your book. The assignment is due on Wednesday, April 1 (no fooling!)
Details 1. Must be on poster board (Walgreens, Jewel) 2. Focus on 1 Person/Concept - The board should be about one thing or person not a combination. 3. Explanation - tell me what it is, where it came from, important facts, details, etc. (In your own words!) 4. How it has influenced our culture today - Why is this thing important? How is it affecting our world today? (In your own words!) 5. 3 Pictures (with captions) - The picture should relate to the topic and the caption explains what it is (and its connection to the topic) 6. Work Cited Page - every thing you use, (starting with your book should be listed (web sites, etc.) 7. For an additional 25 points,you may present your poster to the class. 1. Must be on poster board (Walgreens, Jewel) 2. Focus on 1 Person/Concept - The board should be about one thing or person not a combination. 3. Explanation - tell me what it is, where it came from, important facts, details, etc. (In your own words!) 4. How it has influenced our culture today - Why is this thing important? How is it affecting our world today? (In your own words!) 5. 3 Pictures (with captions) - The picture should relate to the topic and the caption explains what it is (and its connection to the topic) 6. Work Cited Page - every thing you use, (starting with your book should be listed (web sites, etc.) 7. For an additional 25 points,you may present your poster to the class.
Greek Tragedy Here is where you would Type an explanation of what it is, where it came from. You should include details such as famous people, places, etc. Here is where you tell me why your topic is important and how it has influenced our world today
We will work on the posters in class this week. Work Cited 1.Book, “Ancient Greek World” - I got information about what Greek Tragedy Was 2.Web Site - Wikipedia ( eek_tragedy#Greek_tragedy) I learned about different styles of greek tradgedy, got some names of plays, and got a picture of a Greek theaterhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gr eek_tragedy#Greek_tragedy Work Cited 1.Book, “Ancient Greek World” - I got information about what Greek Tragedy Was 2.Web Site - Wikipedia ( eek_tragedy#Greek_tragedy) I learned about different styles of greek tradgedy, got some names of plays, and got a picture of a Greek theaterhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gr eek_tragedy#Greek_tragedy