Philip Comes to Power Macedonian king Philip formed alliances with many Greek city-states and built a huge army, with which he gained control of Greece. 1 of 3 The Glory of Ancient Greece Section 3: The Spread of Greek Culture MapMaster: The Empire of Alexander the Great Alexander Builds an Empire When Philip was assassinated, his son Alexander became king and soon conquered Persia. His army also conquered Asia Minor, Palestine, and Egypt. He died of a fever in Babylon.
Greek Culture Spreads After Alexander’s death, his empire was divided into three kingdoms, ruled by former commanders. Greek soldiers who remained in these kingdoms spread Greek culture. The cities established by Alexander and his successors became centers of learning, especially Alexandria in Egypt. 2 of 3 The Glory of Ancient Greece Section 3: The Spread of Greek Culture Section Reading Support Transparency Examview QuickTake Presenter Chapter Test Math and Science Math and science flourished in Alexandria, with Euclid writing proofs using geometry, Eratosthenes calculating the Earth’s circumference, and Archimedes discovering the uses of pulleys and levers.
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