THE TECHNICAL GUIDELINES FOR ESM OF E-WASTE UNDER BCRC-SEA D. W ARDHANA H ASANUDDIN S URAADININGRAT Former Senior Technical Advisor, BCRC-SEA Side Event, 2 nd Session of International Conference on Chemical Management , Geneva, Switzerland
Topic Introduction Technical Guidelines for E-Waste Inventory Technical Guidelines for E-Waste 3Rs Technical Guidelines Dissemination 2 R AKÉAN S UNDA S AMBAWA
INTRODUCTION This presentation material is extracted from some materials on BCRC-SEAs E-Waste projects & activities undertaken and previously presented by BCRC-SEA at various conferences and workshops As the E-Waste projects were under SBCs funding and supervision, SBC is representing the results of the abovementioned projects 3 R AKÉAN S UNDA S AMBAWA
Guidelines for Inventory Available Guidelines ~ SBC Methodological Guide for Conducting National Inventories of Hazardous Waste within the Framework of the Basel Convention. Available Guidelines ~ BCRC-SEA Report on Demonstration Project in conducting a National Inventory of Hazardous Waste based on the Guide in one of the Party countries in the Region. Regional Technical Guidelines For Inventory of E- Waste 4 Rakéan Sunda Sambawa
5 R AKÉAN S UNDA S AMBAWA Background Information BCRC-SEA proposed, in 2006, an integrated programme on ESM of E-Waste (endorsed Business Plan ): Regional Technical Guidelines for ESM of E-Waste Technical Assistance pilot assessment of e-waste in 4 countries, and repair/ refurbishment/ recycling schemes in 3 countries Regional Training for Trainers on ESM of E-Waste E-Waste Issues and Management Aspects Regional Technical Guidelines Use/Applications Database on Sound Technologies for 3R of E-Waste and Disposal
R AKÉAN S UNDA S AMBAWA Burma Thai Pilipinas Malaysia Vietnam Indonesia Brunei Singapura Cambodia Laos BCRC-SEAs Current Service Area 6
E-Waste Programme Components Tech. Guidelines Training (Cap. Bld.) Pilot Projects Regional Database 7 R AKÉAN S UNDA S AMBAWA
8 The Approved Projects Funded by Gov. of Japan via SBC Development of Guideline Documents: The Methodology on Inventory of Electrical and Electronic Waste (E-Waste) The 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) of Electrical and Electronic Waste (E-Waste) Regional Workshop on ESM of E-Waste Various Components of ESM of E-Waste
Technical Guidelines - E-Waste Inventory Specific Objectives to develop methodological guidelines for inventory of e-waste within the Southeast Asia Region to provide information to the Parties in the Region in designing and implementing a national e-waste inventory program. 9 R AKÉAN S UNDA S AMBAWA
10 R AKÉAN S UNDA S AMBAWA Technical Guidelines - E-Waste Inventory Scope of E-Waste Types E-waste types assessed were the primary e-waste, in its originally manufactured or intended form. 2 main groups of e-waste types under the Project: Electronics Personal Computer Central Processing Units (CPUs) Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT) Television Sets & PC Monitors Cellular Phones Electrical Home Appliances Home Air Conditioners Dry Power Batteries Fluorescent Lamps
E-Waste Inventory Guidelines Pre-Development Survey 11 R AKÉAN S UNDA S AMBAWA
TG for E-Waste InventoryInventory Introduction TG Development Basis Inventory Program Overview Methodology for Inventory Development E-Waste Generation Estimation Methods Reference Appendices 12 R AKÉAN S UNDA S AMBAWA
Technical Guidelines - E-Waste 3R Specific Objectives to provide guideline for Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (3R) & Repair/Refurbishment of e-waste to all stakeholders particularly Parties to the Basel Convention in the region (Southeast Asian countries served by BCRC-SEA) the guideline will assist Parties/Southeast Asian countries in management of e-waste in an environmentally sound manner. 13 R AKÉAN S UNDA S AMBAWA
14 R AKÉAN S UNDA S AMBAWA Technical Guidelines - E-Waste 3R Scope of E-Waste Types The Guidelines developed based on the problems faced by ASEAN countries and current technologies availability. Focused on the items commonly found in electronic waste flow such as: PCs, TV-set, mobile phone, refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioner, and lamps.
TG for E-Waste 3Rs Guidance for Facilities Sorting and Temporary Storage Collection Transport and Handling Dismantling end of life appliances Transboundary movement BCRC-SEA 15 R AKÉAN S UNDA S AMBAWA
16 R AKÉAN S UNDA S AMBAWA All Technical Guidelines Finished upon stakeholders review and comments Publicly available on the BCRC-SEAs website ( Limited number of hardcopies produced E-Waste Inventory E-Waste 3Rs
1 st Regional Workshop Aimed at identification of common issues, problems and solution experience sharing among participants Jointly organised by: BCRC-SEA SBC MoE of Kingdom of Cambodia Funded by the Government of Japan Venue: Siem Reap, Cambodia Date: R AKÉAN S UNDA S AMBAWA
BCRC-SEAs Participation in Cambodias National Training Program in E-Waste Management Awareness, 2008 MoE of Cambodia conducted nation-wide awareness training in e-waste management April-June 2008 Held in 6 cities All community reps. Invited BCRC-SEA to actively participate 18 R AKÉAN S UNDA S AMBAWA
BCRC-SEAs Recommendations for TM of Used E-Products Acceptance Criteria Combined criteria Important category/types of e-products Fully functional/operating Usage time <30-50% designed/average lifetime Quality control Local technical support Local env. sound 3R capability E-Product Category/ Type Avg./Desgnd. Lifetime [year] Max. Usage Time [year] CRT TV104 CRT Monitor52 LCD TV73 PC-Lap52 PC-Desk84 PDA41 Cell-Phone31 19 R AKÉAN S UNDA S AMBAWA
20 R AKÉAN S UNDA S AMBAWA For more information, please contact: BASEL CONVENTION REGIONAL CENTRE for SOUTH-EAST ASIA Postal Address: Jl. D.I Panjaitan Kav. 24 Building A, Ground floor, Jakarta – Indonesia Phone/Fax: (62-21) Website: