5.4 Alexander- Empire Builder
I. Philip Builds Macedonia’s Power Macedonia’s location 1. A. Philip’s Army Philip becomes king a. age: b. date: Philip’s unbeatable army= 2 fighting groups a. b. Just North of Greece 23 yrs old 359 BC Phalanx Calvary
Demosthenes, an Athenian orator tried to warn the Geeks of the threat that Philip & his army posed
Before Philip
After Philip
B. Conquest of Greece 2. Result of their effort 1. Two Greek city-states joined forces against Philip a. b. 2. Result of their effort 3. Circumstances surrounding Philip’s death 4. Philips successor Athens Thebes Too late; Philip takes control Stabbed to death at daughters’ wedding His son Alexander
II. Alexander Defeats Persia A. Invasion of Persia 1. Location where the 2 forces met a. 2. The defeated Persian king b. Granicus River Darius III
B. Alexander’s Ambitions Grow 1. Darius’ offer to Alexander a. 2. Alexander is welcomed in Egypt & found the great city of: b. Western 1/3 of the Persian Empire Alexandria (famous for a huge stone lighthouse) C.Conquering the Persian Empire 1. The two powers meet in Mesopotamia 2. Results of the battle a Alexander takes control of all of Persia
III.Alexander’s OtherConquests A. Alexander in India 1. Alexander wins a fierce battle in the Indus River Valley but morale was low a. years spent fighting & miles marched 1. 2. 11 years 11,000 miles
Gaugamela Granicus Hydaspes Issus
2. Alexander’s Death a. Died of a “fever” just before turning 33
B. Alexander’s Legacy 1. The 3 strongest generals divide the empire a. Antigonus controls 1. b. Ptolemy controls c. Secleucus controls Macedonia Egypt Most of the old Persian Empire 2. Alexander’s conquests encouraged the birth of a vibrant new culture that mixed a blend of Greek, Egyptian, & Eastern customs a. Hellenistic Culture
IV. Hellenistic Culture A. Astronomy 1. Estimated that the 2. Incorrectly placed the at the center of the solar system 3. Computed the A. 28,000-29,000 miles (24,860) B. Math & Physics 1. 2. sun was larger than the earth earth circumference of the earth Euclid- Geometry- “The Elements” Archimedes- Invented Archimedes screw & compound pulley, Estimated the value of pi
a. try to live in harmony with god b. 2. Epicureanism C. Philosophy 1. Stoicism a. try to live in harmony with god b. 2. Epicureanism a. the gods don’t care about people Human desires are dangerous distractions it’s ok to pursue human pleasures
D. Art 1. Hellenistic artists will use more realism
Classical Art- the art of ancient Greece and Rome, in which harmony, order, and balance were emphasized
Alexander the Great
Hellenistic Art- referring to the art of the Greek world from the rein of Alexander the Great to the late second century; More realistic/ more emotion than classical art
Alter to Zeus
Nike (Winged Victory) of Sommthrace
Classical or Hellenistic?
Themae Boxer Massimo
Venus de Milo
Aphrodite & Hercules
Gaul killing himself
5.4 Alexander-Empire Builder
I. Philip Builds Macedonia’s Power Macedonia’s location 1. A. Philip’s Army Philip becomes king a. age: b. date: Philip’s unbeatable army= 2 fighting groups a. b. Just North of Greece 23 yrs old 359 BC Phalanx Calvary
Demosthenes, an Athenian orator tried to warn the Geeks of the threat that Philip & his army posed
Before Philip
After Philip
B. Conquest of Greece 2. Result of their effort 1. Two Greek city-states joined forces against Philip a. b. 2. Result of their effort 3. Circumstances surrounding Philip’s death 4. Philips successor Athens Thebes Too late; Philip takes control Stabbed to death at daughters’ wedding His son Alexander
II. Alexander Defeats Persia A. Invasion of Persia 1. Location where the 2 forces met a. 2. The defeated Persian king b. Granicus River Darius III
B. Alexander’s Ambitions Grow 1. Darius’ offer to Alexander a. 2. Alexander is welcomed in Egypt & found the great city of: b. Western 1/3 of the Persian Empire Alexandria (famous for a huge stone lighthouse) C.Conquering the Persian Empire 1. The two powers meet in Mesopotamia 2. Results of the battle a Alexander takes control of all of Persia
III.Alexander’s OtherConquests A. Alexander in India 1. Alexander wins a fierce battle in the Indus River Valley but morale was low a. years spent fighting & miles marched 1. 2. 11 years 11,000 miles
Gaugamela Granicus Hydaspes Issus
2. Alexander’s Death a. Died of a “fever” just before turning 33
B. Alexander’s Legacy 1. The 3 strongest generals divide the empire a. Antigonus controls 1. b. Ptolemy controls c. Secleucus controls Macedonia Egypt Most of the old Persian Empire 2. Alexander’s conquests encouraged the birth of a vibrant new culture that mixed a blend of Greek, Egyptian, & Eastern customs a. Hellenistic Culture
Classical Art- the art of ancient Greece and Rome, in which harmony, order, and balance were emphasized
Alexander the Great
Hellenistic Art- referring to the art of the Greek world from the rein of Alexander the Great to the late second century; More realistic/ more emotion than classical art
Alter to Zeus
Nike (Winged Victory) of Sommthrace
Classical or Hellenistic?
Themae Boxer Massimo
Venus de Milo
Aphrodite & Hercules
Gaul killing himself