Plasma Node: Use Case Analysis Frascati, EuroPLANET N7 meeting, October 9, 2007 C. Jacquey, N. André, M. Gangloff, R. Hitier, E. Pallier, E. Budnik, V.


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Presentation transcript:

Plasma Node: Use Case Analysis Frascati, EuroPLANET N7 meeting, October 9, 2007 C. Jacquey, N. André, M. Gangloff, R. Hitier, E. Pallier, E. Budnik, V. Génot, B. Cecconi, C. Harvey, CDPP/CESR, Toulouse F. Topf, H. Rucker, M. Khodachenko, IWF, Graz

Challenges of IDIS/plasma node: components of the problem Study types:  Case studies  Statistical/systematical studies  Simulation  Theory Fields  Plasma  Comparative studies  Heliophysics studies  Global (inter-nodes) planetary studies Type of ressources (data, services, tools, …): %Plasmas, E-B fields %Neutral (atmosphere, exosphere, other..) %Dust, Rings %Small bodies %Planetary surface, volcanism, … %Solar observations %… %Models, simulation codes %Data analysis tools %Data treatment tools % … Two levels: -Intra-node: only dealing with plasma ressources, BUT, interacting with other plasma Vos (HELIO, US-VOs) -Inter-nodes: exchanging ressources with nodes of different thematics Þthe Big Challenge… Þand a strong justification of a planetary VO

Three main classes of resources (1)Related to pointing instrument (i.e. camera, telescope), remote data  Localisation (a, d, R) are the primary parameters  e.g. Astronomy  IVOA (2)Related to in-situ measurement on dynamical phenomena  Time span and region are the primary parameters  e.g. Solar Wind data + magnetosphere data  SPASE (3)Combining both  e.g., ionosphere, atmosphere dynamics  e.g, aurora images  e.g. dynamical astrophysics: stellar magnetic field, exoplanets, …  IVOA, SPASE

Goals of the Europlanet/N7 action in FP6?  (1) Inventory of the resources (until what level?)  (2) Science cases: Identifying user requirements and scientific specifications  (3) From them, recommending specifications on: %Final product: reference document, basis for the FP7 proposal  Preparing the FP7 Europlanet project  (4) Build demonstrators/experimentators: to be applied to use cases -Data -Services -Tools -Models Description, exchange, exploitation

We do not start from nothing… ■ SPASE ■ IVOA■ PDS For building a VO, the basis of everything is a standard for describing the ressources, i.e., -a data (resource) model + a dictionnary -or a model + several dictionnaries -or several [model+dictionary(ies)] + translation tools Defining the specifications on the data model(s) of the future planetology VO is one of the main goal of FP6/N7 In pratice, in regards of the user requirements : (i)Are SPASE, IVOA or PDS good basis? (ii)Which one – or combination - is the most adapted? (iii)Recommendations for FP7 project?

Prototypes/ Demonstrators Plasma node: the adopted method for science case analysis Use case analysis User requirement specifications Confrontation to the existing models: SPASE, IVOA, PDS  Are there blocking points, incompatibilities in the model?  What is missing?  What is not appropriate?  Which extensions/modifications could be considered? Modified/extended models Specifications of the IDIS data model Recommendations for selecting, modifying, extending the existing models – or combining some of them Recommendations for communicating with external VOs

Application: science case “Solar wind / saturn magnetosphere interaction and auroras” (1) Needed resources  In situ data -CASSINI B-field, plasma, particles -Heliospheric (ACE, WIND, ULYSSES, MEX) B-field, plasma, particles  Remote data -Solar observations -CASSINI, ULYSSES radio -CASSINI aurora images -HST, FUSE saturn aurora images  Services -Integrated analysis tools -Solar wind propagation simulation -Interplanetary disturbance (CME) propagation simulation In red, resources coming from IDIS In blue, resources coming from external VOs

Needed resources  In situ data -CASSINI B-field, plasma, particles  extended-SPASE, (PDS?) -Heliospheric (ACE, WIND, ULYSSES, MEX) B-field, plasma, particles  SPASE  Remote data -Solar observations  SPASE, IVOA -CASSINI, ULYSSES radio  extended-SPASE, (PDS?) -HST, FUSE saturn aurora images  IVOA  Services -integrated analysis tools  None -Solar wind propagation simulation  in development in SPASE -Interplanetary disturbance (CME) propagation simulation  in development in SPASE Application: science case “Solar wind / saturn magnetosphere interaction and auroras” (2)

Needed extensions on SPASE  Spacecraft attitude does not exist in SPASE (yet)  Instrument attitude does not exist in SPASE (yet)  Field of view of instrument does not exist in SPASE (yet)  But it is possible to implement extensions. Spase[Rq]ase[Rq] Version[Rq] rsion[Rq] Catalog[* of A] talog[* of A] Display Data[* of A] splay Data[* of A] Numerical Data[* of A] merical Data[* of A] Granule[* of A] anule[* of A] Instrument[* of A] strument[* of A] Observatory[* of A] servatory[* of A] Person[* of A] rson[* of A] Registry[* of A] gistry[* of A] Repository[* of A] pository[* of A] Service[* of A] rvice[* of A] Extension[* of A] tension[* of A]

Extensions in observatory description

Extensions in instrument description

Prototypes.demonstrators Registry demonstrator: (Demo if extra time) -Description SPASE of several planetary plasma data (MAPSKP, VEX, MEX) -Building a registry -Building a search engine -Goals: demonstration and experimentation (standard versus user requirements, SPASE extensions, …) Science demonstrator: (Demo if extra time) -Based on AMDA -Using distant data (MAPSKP, VEX-MAG, HST) and local data -High level tools and functionalities -Goals: demonstration and experimentation

An example of registry for space physics: VSPO

AMDA, Automated Multi-Dataset Analysis (  Multi-spacecraft and multi-instrument data -Visualisation -user defined parameter computation -Standard model computation -Data and computed parameter extraction -Event list production and management  Automated and semi-automated (visual) search on the content of the data  Access to external databases (now: CDAWeb, CDPP, next: MAPSKP, VEX-MAG, HST images, MEDOC solar data, …) Local Database AMDA System CDAWeb CDPP MAPSKP

Prototype application on use cases Registry prototype Searching the resource location (MAPSKP, HST aurora, VEX, ACE) AMDA/Planeto Science prototype Access, extraction of the targeted data (distant or local) Integrated analysis USER MAPSKP Local database VEX-MAG Graz HST Request of resource location

IDIS external connections IDIS requests to outside:  Astronomy (IVOA), HST, XMM, Ground radio-astronomy (Nancay, LOFAR)  Plasma solar system (heliophysics): Heliophysics VO (ULYSSES Jupiter flyby), HELIO, EGSO, Radio- planetology (ULYSSES)  Spectroscopy database Outside resource requests to IDIS:  Earth magnetosphere studies: ROSETTA, CASSINI or GALILEO earth fly-by  Heliophysics Vos: Planetary probes used as solar wind monitors

Conclusion What can be done shortly (2 months):  User requirement reference document for plasma field  Analysis of existing standards et sub-sequent recommendations for FP7 but need help for IVOA (CDS, ASOV) and PDS  SPASE based registry demonstrator for some planetary plasma resources  Specification of communication with external VOs (for the plasma field) And for February 15, 2008:  User requirement reference document for inter-thematic (inter-node) fields, i.e., more science cases to be analysed  Requirements on the inter-node data model, recommendation for the future IDIS  Science demonstrator, V1.0, (MAPSKP, HST, VEX, MEX)

Plasma node

Plasma node tasks / CDPP ■ Use case analysis %User requirement analysis/synthesis: reference document %Confrontation to existing standard (SPASE, IVOA, PDS) %System requirement specifications: reference document ÞOption on standard development ■ Registry demonstrator (SPASE, maybe IVOA) ■ Science demonstrator based on distributed ressources

List of tasks (July 24-25, 2007meeting) ·Inventory (EP, FT) ·Use case analysis prototypes (1: FT., GoG/ NA, CJ, VG, BC) ·Comparison user requirements/standards for prototypes ·Focusing the survey of IVOA (MG, CA ·Connecting specialist of IVOA standard (CJ, MG, CA, ·Connecting specialist of PDS standard (GoG [Martin Volwerk?], ·Anticipating the internal communication and progress updating system (FT, RH, GoS) ·Registry demonstrator (MG, CJ, ·Science demonstrator AMDA/MAPSKP (RH, NA, EP, EB, VG, CJ, MB, BC, ·Connection with aurora images (HST, FUSE, ground…), NA, …  AMDA  Use cases ·Connection AMDA/Graz ? (FT, RH, EB, VG, CJ, NA,  ASPERA (EB, ·Analysis of several use cases? Diagnostic of user requirements versus existing standards. CA, Christophe ArvisetGoG: Ghost of GrazGoS: Ghost of Scientist

Use cases %What do we expect from use case analysis - User requirement specifications % How many cases? -For now, only one: Solar wind/Jupiter (Saturn) magnetosphere interaction -Sufficient in regards to the IDIS challenges? % If not, which ones? %The method for use case analysis? %How to formulate the results? - example: SPASE standard

Plasma study use cases J’attends vos propositions

Comparative planetary study use cases  Normalizing tools  Models  Space weather input  Instrumental/observatory comparison tools Ferrier et al. H+H+ O+O+ VENUSMARS  Multi observatory data  Multi-instrument data

Heliophysics studies Connection to HELIO (FP7 proposal)

An example: a study of interplanetary shock propagation by R. Prangé

Used resources  SOHO LASCO + EIT  FUV HST  Radio GALLILEO  Radio CASSINI  POLAR VIS  IMAGE FUV  Versatile Advection Code + ACE data

Use cases on global planetary study %Radio/plas/mag/atm/dust/gravité  saturn rotation determination %Surf/plas  Mercury surface/magnetosphere interaction Aurores/mars (radio, atm, surf, plas, model-transcar, imagerie-) %Helio/plan.plas  Heliospheric constellation %Atm/plas  Taranis %Kcnlkn %*clkjezncklznlnc J’attends vos propositions

Inter-Node use cases? Small bodies / plasmas: comets, Rosetta anticipation, Giotto experience Surface/Atmosphere/Plasmas: Martian aurora, Io, satellite driven Jupiter aurora Surface/Plasmas: Mercury, Ganymede, Encelade Atmosphere/Plasmas: Aurora (Saturn, Jupiter), Venus airglow, Titan, Ion escape at Mars/Venus

Use case analysis  Goals: -Specify/recommend the content of the data model -Specify/recommend an architecture  Global method: First a prototype study for validating the method. -(1) Extracting user requirements from use case analysis Formulating the results -(2) Defining an information system (data model + architecture) -(3) Scenarii for performing the user studies using the defined system and identifying the inconsistencies, bugs, etc… -Then, iterating (2) and (3)  Practical approach: - (i) starting from SPASE and see what it is needed and missing - (ii) the same for IVOA, (iii) and PDS?  Recommendation

Prototype use case: ■ EuroPLANET selected use case: Campaign in 2004 (or 2006, 2007) approach of CASSINI toward Saturn CASSINI data, HST images (external from IDIS or atmosphere node?), models, … ■ The R. Prangé study on interplanetary shock propagation Starting point Selecting other use cases?

Buts de la réunion d’aujourd’hui Débroussaillage des prototype use cases Comment enrichir la use case analysis? Qui participe à quoi? Qui est responsable de quoi? Comment on s’organise?

The use case selected by the EuroPLANET expert group Solar wind/Jupiter (Saturn) magnetosphere interaction

Data used