Ask, Triage, Manage IT Solutions for General Practice Ask, Triage, Manage Prepared for: Smokefree Nurses Aotearoa/New Zealand March 2010 Prepared by: Lis Cowling – Harbour Health Kindly presented by: Lynn Stevenson
Ask, Triage, Manage Tobacco Control: Brief Advice and Interventions in Primary Care More Quit Attempts, More Often “ABC” approach for health care workers Primary care targeted to implement “ABC” Development of ABC E- learning tool for primary care
Ask, Triage, Manage To address Knowledge Skill Priority Recording Guidelines and Evidence Time and funding Resource ABC e-learning tool and training will begin to assist with the barrier of knowledge – ATM Tool will do the rest!
Ask, Triage, Manage Background Professor Paul McDonald, University of Waterloo, Canada Paper based questionnaire to indicate readiness and level of support required to quit smoking Triage into appropriate smoking cessation service to suit individual Permission given to Harbour Health to create electronic, NZ version of tool
Ask, Triage, Manage Development Steering Group formed Adapted to NZ environment Web Based, linked into PMS Systems Brief Intervention statement prompts Decision support NZ National Guidelines Patients triaged to best personal cessation option
Ask, Triage, Manage Linking with PMS ATM - Linking with MedTech 32
Ask, Triage, Manage Brief Advice
Ask, Triage, Manage Intervention - Referral
Ask, Triage, Manage Intervention - Prescribing
Ask, Triage, Manage Intervention - Prescribing Info and Contraindications
Ask, Triage, Manage Intervention - Patient Advice
Ask, Triage, Manage ATM Pilot Piloted in 12 Harbour Health Practices Sept 09 to Dec 09 – 28 GPs and 7 PNs Participants found the ATM to be user-friendly (72%) and to be ‘helpful’ or ‘very helpful’ in raising the issue of smoking with their patients (74%), exploring smoking cessation options with their patients (83%), and in knowing the best service to refer their patient to (71%). (Full evaluation available: )
Ask, Triage, Manage Future Watch this space! Working with MoH to look at feasibility of a national roll out ….. Acknowledgements: Professor Paul McDonald, Waterloo University, Canada ATM Steering Group MoH for funding this project
Ask, Triage, Manage Contact Details Lis Cowling DDI: Mobile: Harbour Health 42B Tawa Drive, Albany, AK