American Banking Bank An institution for receiving, keeping, and lending money-near your home
Two Views of Banking Federalist: believed in a centralized banking system, that could issue a single currency, manage federal funds, and monitor other banks
Two Views of Banking Anti-Federalist: believed in decentralization, where states would establish and regulate all banks within their borders
The 1st Bank of the U.S. (1791) Hold tax money Issued bank notes Ensured state- chartered banks held sufficient reserves Help government carry out its powers to tax
The Free Banking Era ( ) Wildcat banks banks located on the edge of settled lands Fraud Banks would issue bank notes, collect gold for customers and then disappear Many different currencies state banks, cities, private banks, railroads, churches, and individuals all issued currencies
The Free Banking Era ( ) Bank runs and panics wide spread panic in great numbers of people would try to redeem their paper money
The Later 1800s The Gold Standard a monetary system in which paper money and coins are equal to the value of certain amount of gold Advantages set definite value for the dollar government could issue currency only if it had gold
Banking in the Early 20th Century The Federal Reserve System Federal Reserve SystemFederal Reserve System Served as the nation’s first true central bank, or bank that can lend to others in time of need Member banks; banks that belong to the Fed
Banking in the Early 20th Century Federal Reserve Board supervising board Short-term loans borrow money in times of demand Federal Reserve notes national currency
Banking in the Great Depression Severe economic decline that began in 1929 and lasted more than a decade Loaned large sums to high risk ventures Most were unable to pay back loans
Reforms after the Great Depression Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) government agency that insures customers deposits if a bank fails restricted redemption for gold
Banking in the Later 20th Century The Savings and Loan Crisis Deregulation resulted in competition High Interest Rates too many long term loans at low rates Bad Loans Fraudulent loans
Banking in the 1990s Banks allowed to sell financial assets Growing number of Bank mergers
RecessionsRecessions of the 2000’s Recessions Housing Bubble Burst Fraudulent Loans Bail outs