Annual Percentage Rate (APR) The amount it costs you a year to use credit, expressed as percentage rate Interest, transaction fees, and service charges
How long loan lasts Longer the loan = greater cost More interest to pay
Interest rate high = loan costs more
Access to cash in an emergency The ability to use it now Safety and convenience Earn bonus points or miles
Buy Now Pay Later No Loan term Longer you wait to pay off balance, more costs in finance charge
APR Annual Fee Grace Period Minimum Payment Credit Limit
Make regular payments, usually monthly Banks & Credit Unions
Lower interest rate than credit cards Penalties for paying loan off early (lose interest)
Federal Government Delay payments until graduate Tax break for education costs
Different than installment loan –Longer period of time –More $ borrowed
Spend not more than 20% of your take home pay to pay loans (excluding mortgage payment) Lenders no more than 33% of your take-home pay go towards your mortgage
Credit History Credit history for past 7 to 10 years
Don’t bounce Checks Additional savings deposits Pay bills on time