Member of: Austrian Showcase Sarajevo
Member of: Austrian Showcase Sarajevo Brief Profile Water Resource Management Communal Infrastructure Water-Wastewater- Solid Waste-Traffic Environmental Technologies Remediation of contaminated sites Consulting Design Project management Supervision/Monitoring Operation Management Public Private Partnership 35 years professional expertise in water, sewage and waste solutions
Member of: Austrian Showcase Sarajevo Albania (since 1995) Croatia (since 1995) Bosnia (since 1997) Slovenia (since 1985) Macedonia (since 1984) Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro (since 1987) Slovak. Rep. (since 1999) Romania (since 1999) Bulgaria (since 1999) Czech Rep. (since 1998) International expertise Bhutan (since 2006)
Member of: Austrian Showcase Sarajevo Wastewater collection/-treatment Water supply/-conditioning Reconstruction of water and sewer systems Constructive water engineering Remediation of contaminated Sites Waste Management/Reconstruction of landfills Civil Engineering/road construction Water Resource Management studies Environmental impact assessment/ecological studies Environmental management/Eco Audits Construction/Operation of water facilities Fields of experience
Member of: Austrian Showcase Sarajevo Technical Assistance Network Analysis Inventory of facilities Feasibility Studies Concepts for Construction, Rehabilitation and Extension Project Management Design Services Tendering and Procurement Site Supervision and Testing Drinking Water supply, Sewage disposal and treatment
Member of: Austrian Showcase Sarajevo Waste Management and Remediation of contaminated sites Regional Waste Management Concepts Conception of logistic systems and Recycling concepts Design of landfills Reconstruction of landfills Protection and Reconstruction of contaminated sites
Member of: Austrian Showcase Sarajevo Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building of water works Assessment of existing structures Analysis with Performance Indicators Water Metering Strategy Training programmes Human resources development Financial Advice Cost reduction programmes Tariff studies Management Consulting Establishment of Customer Relation Centres