Te4Q Educational Project Review Project Title: Teach for UCSF: Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Certificate Participant Names: Henry Crevensten, Missy Haehn, Mary McGrath, Pat O’Sullivan, Sheri VanOsdol
Background Existing Teach for UCSF Certificate Program General, Clinical, Simulation, Interprofessional Created for faculty to discover, pursue, and hone their educational skills Each certificate requires active participation, demonstration of skills, & setting personal goals
Aim: Develop “Teach for UCSF Certificate in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety” An ongoing opportunity for faculty across campus to develop the expertise in teaching quality improvement and patient safety Participation in the Teach for UCSF Certificate in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety will prepare faculty to educate learners.
Objectives: Creation of the Certificate 1. Identify workshops to meet certificate objectives 2. Identify faculty and obtain commitment to develop, lead, and teach workshops 3. Set a timeline for workshop development and certificate implementation 4. Review existing workshops and consider development of supplemental materials pertinent to QI/PS
Learning Objectives: Teach for UCSF QI/PS Certificate 1.Compare and contrast QI and PS principles and methodologies 2.Demonstrate effective strategies to engage learners across professions and the continuum of professional education in QI/PS 3.Employ QI/PS tools to devise teaching strategies.
Learning Objectives: Teach for UCSF Certificate in QI/PS (cont.) 4.Facilitate learner reflection around QI and PS issues 5.Design experiential learning activities for learners to apply QI/PS concepts 6.Mentor learners in participation at any phase of a quality improvement and patient safety project 7.Select, organize, and interpret QI and PS data 8.Implement QI and PS initiatives addressing motivation and change management
Educational Design and Strategies Build certificate program Consisting of existing and newly developed workshops Specified workshops will require prerequisite using IHI Model for Improvement, PDSA cycles, using and displaying QI data, patient safety fundamentals, classification of errors, and root cause analysis Emphasize developing and choosing effective teaching strategies to address many of the challenging areas of QI/PS, including attitudes toward QI/PS, professional identity Certificate participants will be expected to practice and demonstrate effective teaching strategies while delivering QI/PS content
Educational Design and Strategies Seven workshops required for certificate completion. 1. QI/PS Key Topics 2. QI/PS Teaching Strategies 3. Finding and Using Data for Quality and Safety 4. Teachable Moments in Health Professions Education 5. Critical Reflection 6. Project Management in Education 7. Small Group Teaching
Learner Assessment Each workshop includes an active demonstration of key skills Practice teaching strategies using QI/PS specific tools (RCA, PDSA, run charts) QI/PS teaching plan will be developed by learners throughout certificate completion
Program Evaluation Prior to implementation: Identify instructors Develop workshops Meet implementation timeline goals After implementation: Number of enrollees, Number who complete New opportunities for completers Workshop evaluations Of workshop and faculty
Summary of progress to date Outlined certificate objectives and mapped these to current and new workshops Proposed timeline for workshop development and certificate implementation Initial stages of identification of potential faculty instructors
Barriers/challenges Faculty time constraints Recruitment of instructors Development of individual workshops
Next steps/timeline May 2015 May-June July-Oct Nov-Dec Jan 2016 Development of certificate objectives Recruit instructors Develop new workshops and supplemental materials Run-through new workshops Launch certificate program
Dissemination Plan and Additional Activities MedEdPORTAL Presentation of interim progress and results at local/regional/national/international meetings (such as the SFVA quality conference, Western Group on Educational Affairs, AAMC Integrating Quality Meeting) Publication of our results in academic education journals