Race to the Top Scope of Work Broward County Public Schools
Race to the Top Phase 2 Reform Areas Standards and Assessment: Adopting standards and assessments that prepare students to succeed in college and the workplace and to compete in the global economy; Data Systems: Building data systems that measure student growth and success, and inform teachers and principals about how they can improve instruction; Great Teachers and Leaders: Recruiting, developing, rewarding, and retaining effective teachers and principals, especially where they are needed most; and Turning around our lowest-achieving schools: Turning around the State-selected three persistently lowest performing schools (lowest 5% schools)- Larkdale Elementary, Sunland Park Elementary, and Coconut Creek High School. 2
Broward’s Budget for Race to the Top District NamePercentage of Title I fundsAllocation Broward10.68%$37,364,356 3
State Goals High School Graduates: Double the percentage of high school graduates who go to college and achieve at least one year’s worth of college credit. National Assessments: Increase the percentage of students scoring at or above proficient on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) by 2015, to or beyond the performance levels of the highest-performing states. Achievement Gap: Reduce the achievement gap in half by District goals are aligned to the State goals. 4
Scope of Work Projects Standards and Assessment 1. Expand Lesson Study 2. Expand STEM Career and Technical Program Offerings 3. Increase Advanced STEM Coursework 4. Bolster Technology for Improved Instruction and Assessment Data Systems 5. Improve Access to State Data 6. Use Data to Improve Instruction Great Teachers and Leaders 7. Provide Support for Educator Preparation Programs 8. Improve Teacher and Principal Evaluation System 9. Use Data Effectively for Human Capital Decisions 10. Focus Effective Professional Development Struggling Schools 11. Drive Improvement in Persistently Low-Achieving Schools 12. Implement Proven Programs for School Improvement Charter School Involvement 13. Include Charter Schools in District Planning Project Management and Oversight 5
Standards and Assessments 1. Expand Lesson Study Summary of Deliverables: The District must modify the school schedules of persistently lowest achieving schools to devote a minimum of one lesson study per month for each grade level or subject area. Optionally, the District may include additional schools. Scope of Work 6 District PlanSource of funds Provide additional time for Persistently Lowest Performing Schools to allow for common planning for lesson study School Improvement Grant Provide one additional hour per month for Correct II High Schools to allow for common planning for lesson study RTTT
Standards and Assessments 2. Expand STEM Career and Technical Program Offerings Summary: The District will implement at least one additional high school career and technical program that provides training for occupations requiring science, technology, engineering, and/or math (STEM). Scope of Work 7 District PlanSource of funds Implement one Career Technical Education Program that will be developed into integrated programs with industry certification Current Budget
Standards and Assessments 3. Increase Advanced STEM Coursework Summary: The District must increase the number of STEM-related acceleration courses, such as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, Advanced International Certificate of Education, dual enrollment, and industry certification. Scope of Work 8 District PlanSource of funds The District has increase advanced STEM coursework to ensure that each high school offers at the least an International Baccalaureate program, Advanced International Certificate of Education program, Dual enrollment courses (at least four courses), or Advanced Placement courses (including one course each in English, mathematics, science, and social studies). Current Budget
Standards and Assessments 4. Bolster Technology for Improved Instruction and Assessment Summary: The District must ensure that each school possesses the technology to provide sufficient access to strategic tools for improved classroom instruction and computer-based assessment. Scope of Work 9 District PlanSource of funds Ensure all schools possess technology for computer-based assessment based on readiness for computer-based testing as certified through the online certification tool (includes high schools, and middle schools that offer Algebra) RTTT Additional support to schools to ensure they possess technology for improved classroom instruction RTTT
Data Systems 5. Improve Access to State Data Summary: The District must (1) integrate with the State to provide single sign-on access to state-level applications and data by their users, and (2) incorporate state-level data into local instructional improvement systems to improve instruction in the classroom and operations at the school and district levels, and to support research. Scope of Work 10 District PlanSource of funds (1)Access State-Level applications and data through single sign-on access Current Budget (2) Incorporate State-level data into District’s data system (Virtual Counselor) RTTT
Data Systems 6. Use Data to Improve Instruction Summary: (1)The District must use systems that are easy for students, teachers, parents, and principals to use and that show growth of students, teachers, schools, and districts disaggregated by subject and demographics. (2) The District must provide requested data from local instructional improvement and longitudinal data systems to the State. Scope of Work 11 District PlanSource of funds Ensure that local instructional improvement system (Virtual Counselor) is fully utilized Current Budget Expand data elements to integrate such systems that student needs identified by data in Virtual Counselor, and to develop data elements to connect professional development to teacher effectiveness RTTT Develop and design a school database including a Dash Board for schools RTTT
Great Teachers and Leaders 7. Provide Support for Educator Preparation Programs Summary: The District must improve the support of candidates in teacher preparation programs by collaborating with providers in assigning effective personnel as mentors and supervising teachers and using candidate performance data for program improvements. Scope of Work 12 District PlanSource of funds The District has developed an alternative certification program to support candidates in Teacher Preparation Programs. Current Budget Develop and Implement Teachers As Leaders Program to assist in developing pre-service and in-service/alternative certification teachers RTTT
Great Teachers and Leaders 8. Improve Teacher and Principal Evaluation Systems Summary: The District must design and conduct teacher and principal evaluations through systems that meet the requirements of law and Race to the Top requirements. Scope of Work 13 District PlanSource of funds Design and Conduct Classroom Teacher and Principal Evaluation Systems that are tied to Pay for Performance (design, implement, and evaluate system) Development Costs for evaluation system Development of assessments for Non-FCAT teachers to determine student growth Staff for Implementation, Data Collection, and Evaluation Component as Required by State (Research Specialist and Evaluation Coordinator) RTTT
Great Teachers and Leaders 9. Use Data Effectively for Human Capital Decisions Summary: The District must use results from teacher and principal evaluations to inform human capital processes, including compensation system, differentiated pay, incentives, and recruitment strategies to recruit and retain effective teachers. Scope of Work 14 District PlanSource of funds Design and implement a compensation system including pay for performance, differentiated pay, incentives, and strategies to recruit and retain effective teachers Development Costs for compensation system Pay for Performance Differentiated Pay RTTT
Great Teachers and Leaders 10. Focus Effective Professional Development Summary: The District must revise its professional development system to include the elements described in the Race to the Top grant, will utilize data from teachers’ and principals’ evaluations to plan and evaluate professional development, and will evaluate the effectiveness of professional development. Scope of Work 15 District Plan Source of funds Develop and implement a system to evaluate the fidelity of the District’s professional development system RTTT Develop and conduct professional development for accessing data system and the local instructional improvement system RTTT Develop and conduct professional development in common core standards/Next Generation Sunshine State Standards RTTT Conduct leadership training/Leadership Institute Current Budget Turnaround Principal Program (6 turnaround principals to serve as mentors/coaches to low performing schools) RTTT Turnaround Instructional Facilitators (10 Instructional Facilitators to help DA schools meet DA requirements) RTTTT
Struggling Schools 11. Drive Improvement in Persistently Low-Achieving Schools Summary: The District must select one of the four school intervention models in all schools identified as persistently lowest-achieving by the State. All actions must be in accordance with Differentiated Accountability. Scope of Work 16 District PlanSource of funds Select and Implement School Intervention Model for Persistently Lowest Performing Schools (Lowest 5%) School Improvement Grant funds
Struggling Schools 12. Implement Proven Programs for School Improvement Summary: The District must submit a plan that implements one or more of the following programs in each persistently lowest-achieving school and within the feeder pattern of each persistently lowest- achieving high school: In Intervene schools, implement a schedule that provides increased learning time. Offer pre-kindergarten on a full-day basis using Title I Full Day Pre-K model. Expand opportunities for students to attend career and professional academies, especially STEM academies. Expand or introduce proven programs to encourage advanced classes, positive behavior support systems, mentoring, and curriculum that provides high-need students with college-ready, career-ready, or other postsecondary skills. Offer other approved programs that demonstrate a strong record of improving student achievement in these District schools. Scope of Work 17 District PlanSource of funds Strategies for lowest-achieving schoolsSIG funds Strategies for the feeder pattern of the persistently lowest performing high school (Coconut Creek) - The District proposes K-2 nd and 8 th grade initiatives for Coconut Creek feeder schools that include reading, math, and science intervention; and training for teachers and administrators. RTTT
13. Include Charter Schools in LEA Planning Summary: The District must offer charter schools located within their district the opportunity to participate in the grant on the same terms as any other district school. Consistent with federal requirements, the District must ensure that participating charter schools receive a commensurate share of any grant funds or services funded by the grant. 1. Ensure that all of all schools possess the technology to provide sufficient access to strategic tools for improved classroom instruction and computer-based assessment; 2. Access State data systems via the single sign-on portal; 3. Use State data from a local instructional improvement system to improve instruction; 4. Implement a Teacher and School Leader/Principal/Director Evaluation system that includes student growth measures 5. Use evaluation results to improve how teachers and school leaders/principals/Directors are hired, placed/assigned, promoted, retained, dismissed, and compensated (pay for performance – using State criteria/IPAS/APAS/learning gains formula) 6. Participate in Professional development focusing on the new common core standards, employing formative assessment, and employing principles of lesson study; 7. Evaluate the fidelity of professional development tied to student performance; and 8. Provide all necessary data for the evaluation of the District’s RTTT program. 18
RTTT District Committees Technology Committee* Professional Development Committee* Evaluation and Compensation Committee Sub-committee: Pay for Performance* Sub-committee: School Improvement Grant Sub-committee: Appraisal System Committee* Advanced Coursework and STEM Committee Intervention Committee Charter School Steering Committee * means charter school representative assigned to committee 19