The BTO is an independent charitable research institute, it combines professional and citizen science, using evidence of change in wildlife populations, particularly birds, to inform the public, opinion-formers and environmental policy- and decision-makers. Their impartiality enables their data and information to be used both by Government and NGO (Non-governmental organisation) campaigners. BTO’s long-term monitoring data on the status of UK birds sets the standard worldwide for understanding the effects of environmental change on wildlife. Over 40,000 volunteer birdwatchers, in partnership with professional research scientists, collect high quality monitoring data on birds and other wildlife. The combination of professional ecologists, long-term datasets some in excess of 50 years, and volunteers participating all over the country gives the BTO a unique, impartial and knowledgeable voice in nature conservation. The BTO has a broad range of surveys for volunteers to participate in, from weekly counting of garden birds, through monthly winter counts of waterbirds, and sampling of breeding birds across the UK. The BTO is a ‘birds-first’ organisation, with their volunteers also collecting data on other wildlife too - they work with partner organisations to monitor everything from butterflies to badgers
Mission Statement: The conservation of butterflies, moths and our environment. Butterfly Conservation was formed by a small group of dedicated naturalists in 1968 following the alarming decline of many beautiful butterflies. Most British butterflies remain a cause for concern, with three quarters of our native species in decline. Four butterflies and over 60 moths became extinct last century. Their vision is of a world rich in butterflies for future generations to enjoy. Together with moths, butterflies sensitivity to environmental change makes them valuable indicators of the health of the countryside. They have more than 19,000 members in the UK and 32 volunteer Branches throughout the British Isles. BC employ over 50 people including many highly qualified scientists, making us the world's largest research institute for butterflies and moths. They have the active support and engagement of their President, Sir David Attenborough. They run three of the world's largest butterfly and moth recording schemes which together have gathered over 22 million records. BC run an annual Big Butterfly Count in partnership with the retailer Marks and Spencer, which has involved over 62,000 participants in the last 3 years.Big Butterfly Count They have persuaded the UK Government to accept butterflies and moths as official biodiversity indicators, and general indicators of the environment and climate change. They manage 34 nature reserves covering over 750 hectares (1,850 acres), including several major habitat restoration projects.nature reserves Their volunteers contribute work worth £9.6 million per year, equivalent to 698 full-time staff.
MCS is the UK charity that cares for our seas, shores and wildlife The Marine Conservation Society, MCS, is the voice for everyone who loves the sea. They work to secure a future for our living seas, and to save our threatened sea life before it is lost forever. Almost nowhere in UK seas is marine wildlife safe from harm. We need to establish vital marine protected areas where wildlife can recover and flourish. Levels of beach litter have doubled over the last decade. MCS works to clear our seas of the rising tide of rubbish that is so dangerous to sea life, including seabirds, whales and dolphins. Their work ensures that the sea’s rich wildlife can be restored, fish stocks grow more plentiful, and our beaches and seawater become cleaner. They depend entirely on the generosity and enthusiasm of our supporters to continue to care for our seas, shores and wildlife. Today, more than 7,000 supporters fund their work through membership, donations, and turtle adoption schemes. Many millions of people are now aware of our vital work through their sustainable seafood, pollution and wildlife programmes, wildlife recording surveys, and the Cool Seas Roadshow. eas/Threats/Global+warming
RSPB’s work is driven by a passionate belief that we all have a responsibility to protect nature, birds and the environment. Bird populations reflect the health of the planet on which our future depends. The RSPB is currently changing to be recognised for work will all nature, as well as birds Climate change, agricultural intensification, expansion of urban areas and transport infrastructure, and over- exploitation of our seas all pose major threats to birds and wildlife. The RSPB could not exist without its supporters and members. The RSPB has over a million members, including over 195,000 youth members and a staff of over 1,300 people, with almost 18,000 volunteers. They manage 200 nature reserves covering almost 130,000 hectares, home to 80% of our rarest or most threatened species. RSPB has a local network of 175 local groups and more than 110 youth groups. There are at least 9 volunteers for every paid member of staff. Changes in the ways we plan transport and use vehicles are urgently needed to protect the environment. Climate change is the biggest issue facing wildlife and humanity this century. RSPB is developing nature reserve management and countryside policies that adapt to the impacts of climate change on our wildlife. They also take action to reduce greenhouse gas pollution from homes, transport and industry. The RSPB protects, restores and manages habitats for birds and other wildlife. They carry out 'hands-on' recovery projects for our most threatened species, and work with decision makers on behalf of birds, wildlife and the environment.
Mission Statement: to protect and expand Britain's forests and woodlands and increase their value to society and the environment. They take the lead, on behalf of all three administrations, in the development and promotion of sustainable forest management. Working as teams with colleagues and others to ensure that trees, woods and forests meet the needs of people in each part of Britain They plant 24 million trees every year, to create new woodland and to replace the trees we harvest. Some of these trees will help to regenerate blighted industrial landscapes such as former coalfield communities and to bring new woodlands closer to urban areas. They sustainably harvest almost five million tonnes of wood every year from Britain’s public forests. That’s around 44 per cent of total domestic production or 300 truckloads every day. This reduces dependency on imported wood and provides low-carbon materials for the domestic wood-using industries, and for fuel and energy. Their plant health officers inspect wood imports at ports around the country to minimise the risk from foreign pests and diseases. Where outbreaks do occur our experts work with local authorities and landowners to contain and control any spread. We licence tree felling across Great Britain to protect our woodlands for generations to come. We take degraded land no one else wants and turn it into green space for the benefit of all.