Come Teach with Me A New Approach toward and existing Ministry Sunday School, Home Bible Study, Vacation Bible School, etc… Impart Something of Value
Teacher Impart Something of Value Pastor Church Leader Lay Volunteer Co-Teaching Partner Classroom Assistant Class Participant Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Home Bible Study, etc… Recruit For One Lesson or an Entire Term
Why Co-Teach?
Why Co-Teach? 1. Teacher Training 2. 3.
Co-Teaching for Teacher Training Teaching Skills Lessons: Bible-Based, Organized around Objective, Practically Applicable, Christ-Centric Techniques: Illustrations, Visuals, Introductions, Questions, Writing on the Board, etc… To Help make the Lessons: Interesting, Understandable, Memorable, Thought-Provoking, and Convincing Teacher Trainee Experienced Teacher
Why Co-Teach? 1. Teacher Training 2. Discipleship 3.
Co-Teaching as a Discipleship Tool Discipleship The Disciple could be: A Staff Member - A Current or Prospective Leader A Young Person who is considering Vocational Christian Service DisciplePastor Activities: Study Scripture together, Discover Applications, Minister to Others The Discipleship Relationship can… Address other Matters, both Ministry-Oriented and Personal Continue beyond the end of the Teaching Term
Why Co-Teach? 1. Teacher Training 2. Discipleship 3. Basic Nurturing Encourage Involvement Recruit Classroom Assistants
Why Co-Teach? 1. Teacher Training 2. Discipleship 3. Basic Nurturing Encourage Involvement Recruit Classroom Assistants Impart Foundational Skills (How to Study the Bible, Share Testimony) Recruit Group Members as Participants
A Question When you were new to teaching, would you have accepted this offer? Come Teach an upcoming Sunday School Class with Me.
A Second Question
And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” (Mark 1:17) Soon afterward he went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with him. (Luke 8:1)
Equipping Builds up the Body Ephesians 4 11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up, 13 until we all reach...
1. The Purpose for Co-Teaching Teacher Training Discipleship Basic Nurturing Recruiting an Assistant to Encourage Involvement Recruiting a Classroom Participant to Impart a Skill How to Find the Procedures that work best for You (there are many Factors to Consider) 2. Recruit’s Specific Needs 3. Time Availability 4. Teaching Ministry (and Style)
Come Teach with Me Ministries