Creating Community on
Community on the Internet What they Have What we want E!
Informational site for consumer product reviews and product purchases. Known for user stickiness and retention. Features User Reviews: Shows a listing of all reviews left by users, how many reviews for each reviewer. Reviews of the User: Users can review another user based on the reviews left by that user. User Rating: Shows a rating of the users based on the feedback of other users. Validity of user Featured member of the week: User bios, favorite quote, location, and reviews written, list of users trusted by the featured member. this Page: Ability to any page to another person, can send URL or whole page. Get Review Alerts: Receive an alert whenever a certain piece of content is reviewed. Recently Viewed Items: Shows a user the pieces of content recently reviewed. See other Similar Content: Pushes users to other similar pieces of content.
Online community for women. Articles, content, and interactive content centered on the female consumer. Features Quizzes: Daily quizzes about sex, weight, and other feminine topics. Website: Users are able to create a personal web site and have a new personal address. “User Tools”: Interactive tools which enable users to find products and articles based on personal traits. Horoscope: Personal horoscope delivered to each member daily. Message Boards: Users discuss the latest news and anything to do with being a woman. Community Leader: One user writes an article and thus starts a new related message board. Chats: Chats are routinely scheduled everyday on given topics, hosted by 3 rd party. The largest consumer e-commerce site in the world. Features Personal Recommendations: Users receive product recommendations based on their site behavior, including session length, products bought and browsed. Rate this item, Get recommendation: Users can rate a product to find out what other similar users liked. Listmania: Users make Top 10 which are linked to the product detail pages of all products in the list (e.g. Top 10 hottest Guys, which names Chris Isaac would appear on the detail page on all of Chris Isaac’s albums.) User who purchased this also purchased: Each product has links to other recommended products. So you’d Like to…: User written editorials which point users to specific topics having to do with current products. (e.g. On the detail page for Saturday Night Fever, would be a link to a user editorial about “Great films with Dance.”) Comprehensive Internet database with information about films, studios, and other film related data and trivia. Features Imdb Daily Poll Question: a daily poll asks users to vote on a specific movie related question. User Comments: Users are able to comment on any film in the database. User Rating: Users may rate a film at any time on a scale from 1 –10. Film or Article linked Message Board: Users may start a message board from any article or film page. User Selected Top Films: User voted best films and worst films in every genre. Recommendations Center: Users can recommend other local content based on similar tastes. User Generated Trivia Contest: User can submit trivia questions that others are asked to answer. Online magazine with both a premium tiered service as well as numerous free articles of content. Features Letters to the Editor: Every page article has an option to send a letter to the editor. Hot Topics: Users are encouraged to Chat about a hot topic. Forums (Table Talk): Users may post messages on one of hundreds of boards moderated by user. this Article: Users may an article to a friend. Posts of the Week: Moderator post the best reviews left by users each week. The Well: Member only discussions. Recent Letters: Editors post the recent, and most moving letters sent in over the previous week.
E! copycat. Features Games: Couples Concentration, match couples with their lovers via a classic Concentration game. Message Boards: Users can start chats about whatever they would like. AOL Calendar: Users can add a specific site wide event to their personal calendars to make sure they don’t miss it. Included would be editorial pieces, or other games. Rankings: Users can occasionally rank stories, movies, and people on various topics.
Community on the Internet What they Have What we want Our Planned Features Marketing the Community
Hollywood’s Community 1.User profiles: Basic user information captured, create user profile based on favorite TV shows, movies, etc. 2.User Groups: Users are profiled into sub communities for purpose of chats, message boards, and customized content. 3.User Reviews for all Movies: Users review films based on personal preferences. 4.User ratings for each movie, actor and artist: All ratings will be divided by editor and Group rating. 5.Bulletin boards for each movie, actor and artist: All boards are automatically linked from all articles, features, and editorials of pertinent star or movie detail pages. 6.User fan clubs for movies, actors and artists: Fan clubs would be linked from each movie and actor detail page. 7.Celebrity chats: Users are able to have live chats with favorite celebrities.
Hollywood’s Community (continued) 8.Favorites Section: My Theaters, My Movies, My Actors, My Artists, My Fan Clubs 9.Add to favorites button on all pages: All favorite selections will be accessed by the user in his/her account page 10.Invite a friend to the movies 11.Letters to/from the Editor: Separate section of site will house all current letters from editors 12.Quick Polls: “Celebrity Hot or Not” feature, trivia and story- related opinion polls 13. this article 14. alerts: Users can sign up for alerts when pieces are reviewed, or when articles are posted about certain stars 15.User generated top 10 lists 16.Rate this content
Marketing the Community Utilize onsite inventory Home page Flash Tile Text in left nav bar Right rail exposure by using available ad unit such as 120x240 Text on all pages (above the fold or as pop up) Newsletter inclusion Banner exposure Utilize offsite inventory Non-traditional ad units 120x600 widgets and pop up ads Banners on,, and RoadRunner.