OCLC Online Computer Library Center Dewey Hot Topics: Options in Religion, Graphic Novels, and Dewey and the Curriculum Joan S. Mitchell Editor in Chief, DDC OCLC Friday, October 7, 2005 AASL Conference Pittsburgh, PA
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Topic 1: Options in Religion Current Options in Religion Survey Results Proposed New Option Discussion
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Options in Religion (Option A: Class the sources of the religion in 220, other specific aspects of the religion in , comprehensive works on the religion in 230; in that case, class the Bible and Christianity in (Option B: Class in 210, and add to base number 21 the numbers following the base number for the religion in , e.g., Hinduism 210, Mahabharata ; in that case class philosophy and theory of religion in 200, its subdivisions in , specific aspects of comparative religion in , standard subdivisions of religion in
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Options in Religion (continued) (Option C: Class in 291, and add to base number 291 the numbers following the base number for that religion in , e.g., Hinduism 291, Mahabharata (Option D: Class in 298, which is permanently unassigned298 (Option E: Place first by use of a letter or other symbol, e.g., Hinduism 2H0 (preceding 220 ), or 29H (preceding 291 or 292 ); add to the base number thus derived, e.g., to 2H or to 29H, the numbers following the base number for the religion in , e.g., Shivaism 2H5.13 or 29H.513)
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Survey Results Which option, if any, does your library use? Response %Response Total None79.2%42 A5.7% 3 B5.7% 3 C9.4% 5 53 (3 didn’t answer)
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Survey Results (continued) For which religion is option used? [7 Respondents] All (B, C) Islam (A, No option noted) Christianity (A) Mormons (No option noted) Other religions or religious mythology (C)
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Proposal for New General Option Vacate Arrange religions in chronological/regional order
OCLC Online Computer Library Center UDC Class 2 Revision 21 Prehistoric and primitive religions 22Religions of the Far East 23Religions of the Indian Subcontinent 24Buddhism 25Religions of antiquity. Minor cults and religions
OCLC Online Computer Library Center UDC Class 2 Revision (continued) 26 Judaism 27Christianity 28Islam 29Modern spiritual movements
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Discussion Are attendees using options in religion? Should we consider a new optional development that redistributes the notation in a chronological/regional approach? Are there other approaches (e.g., browsers, deeper expansions)?
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Topic 2: Graphic Novels History vs. 800 Separate Categories vs. All Kinds Together Draft Schedule Discussion
OCLC Online Computer Library Center History of Graphic Novels Expansion Studied the topic for over one year Discussions held at ALA Midwinter, ALA Annual, and IFLA Met with publishers and YALSA GN Task Force Solicited comments from postings on Dewey web site and Dewey blog
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Draft schedule Cartoons, caricatures, comics, graphic novels, fotonovelas (Nov. 2004) Supplement to Draft schedule (Feb. 2005) Graphic novels: An Update (June 2005) Plus two earlier papers from summer 2004: Graphic Novels in DDC: Discussion Paper Supplement to Graphic Novels in DDC
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 700 vs The arts Fine and decorative arts... for literature, see 800
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 700 vs. 800 (continued) Same preference for 700 holds for a combination of: music and literature acting and literature dancing and literature
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 700 vs. 800 Examples Shakespeare, Othello Stage production Verdi, Otello Stage production Orson Welles’s film, The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice (adaptation of Shakespeare’s Othello)
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Separate Categories Considered A.Based on length of narrative Longer than jokes or anecdotes No narrative or extremely short narratives B.Based on form in which originally published Single-panel cartoons, comic strips, comic books, graphic novels
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Separate Categories vs. All Kinds Together Recommendation: All together No agreement on definition of categories Impossible to make workable distinctions between forms
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Cartoons, caricatures, comics, graphic novels, fotonovelas Standard subdivisions are added for any or all topics in heading Class here comic strips, comic books Class cartoons, caricatures, comics, graphic novels, fotonovelas whose purpose is to inform or persuade with the subject, e.g., political cartoons See Manual at 741.5
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Fiction and Nonfiction Graphic Novels: Manual Note Works of imagination intended to delight (741.5) Works intended to inform or persuade (001–999 + –—0207 or –—0222 from Table 1 )
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials Class here comprehensive works on basic and auxiliary techniques and procedures; comprehensive works on drawing and writing cartoons, caricatures, comics, graphic novels Class techniques... used for special aspects in ; class techniques... used for animation in
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials (continued) For auxiliary techniques and procedures, see ; for photographic techniques for fotonovelas, see 771; for writing cartoons, caricatures, comics, graphic novels, fotonovelas, see 808* *Exact subdivision of 808 is an open question still under review
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Special aspects... Class here critical appraisal and description of genres, techniques for creating works in specific genres Class single works and collections of works regardless of genre in
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Animated cartoons Class photographic techniques in ; class comprehensive works on cartoon films in
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Historical, geographic, persons treatment [formerly ] Class here single works and collections of works; development, description, critical appraisal Class animated cartoons in Class works of description and critical appraisal that focus on a specific aspect and are not limited to a single work or to an individual artist or writer with the aspect in , e.g., critical appraisal of superhero comics
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Subarrangement by Country: Manual Note Use notation for country of the artist or writer for a work or collection that features the work of a particular artist or writer Use notation for country where first published for work or collection where multiple hands (e.g., writers, pencilers, inkers, colorists, letterers) have contributed to the final work
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Subarrangement by Country: Manual Note (continued) If in doubt, try to determine which area's cultural tradition the work reflects or was originally aimed at If still in doubt, prefer notation for the country that comes later in Table 2
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Special Collections: Outside DDC Fic or F [Fiction] TEEN GN GN [for adult readers] No consistent pattern; local experimentation Again, same issues with use of options covered earlier
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Discussion
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Topic 3: Dewey and the Curriculum What ties currently exist between the DDC and topics in the K-12 curriculum? What can we do to improve those ties for access?
OCLC Online Computer Library Center What Links Exist Today? Elementary school subjects in 372 High school subjects (+ junior high/middle school subjects) with the topic outside the 370s + –—0712 from Table 1 Terminology from LCSH, LC Children’s Headings, and Sears mapped to numbers in Abridged WebDewey Some experimentation with links between Dewey and GEM categories, Dewey and ERIC, and Dewey and standards
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Mappings Based on Non-US Curricula Te Pātakataka (NZ) Primary Library Classification Scheme (UK)
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Te Pātakataka: DDC and Subject Headings for New Zealand Primary Schools Rocky shore Dewey: Royal New Zealand Air Force Dewey: 358 Waka Dewey: Option: Class at Used for: Canoes (Maori) Maori canoes
OCLC Online Computer Library Center SLA Primary School Classification Scheme Celtic art745 Offa’s Dyke Royal Navy359
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Discussion Are there concepts in the K-12 curriculum missing/hidden in Dewey? What terminology is needed to support K-12? Where should we look for new terminology?
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Discussion (continued) Do US school libraries need tools similar to the NZ and UK examples? If yes, are the needs national, regional, or local? Are multilingual mappings needed? Are there other approaches besides mappings (e.g., browsers)?
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Questions and Answers Why are my desert books scattered all over? Why do you change numbers? ????