Coastlands School News By the pupils of Coastlands Issue 17: June/July 2015 So many things have been happening this term, so this is just a snapshot of what we’ve been up to. Sorry if we’ve missed out anything important! Have a good holiday! Green Ambassadors Give Coastlands the Go-ahead! Last week seven Coastlands pupils went along to the WWF headquarters in Surrey for some eco-workshops. Having been short-listed for the WWF Green Ambassadors’ Schools Award, they also went to the awards ceremony where they gained a fantastic runner-up place, winning £2500 for the school! As part of this achievement, you might have seen some of our pupils on the ITV News last Friday, showing just what an amazing standard our eco-work has reached. Well done to everyone and special thanks, as always, to Kate Lock. Wonderful Water Week Last month Class 1 held a ‘Water Week’, campaigning to save water in school and at home. They made posters, did a water survey, and produced helpful hints for how to save water. The week was part of our work towards the Sustainable Schools Award and we are hoping to get our Gold award this week (fingers crossed!). The week was finished off with our Big Blue Water Day in aid of Water Aid. We all dressed as pirates, mermaids and other things to do with water. In the afternoon we did a pipeline challenge around the school field, which was great fun. We raised an amazing £210 for Water Aid, so well done everyone. Dazzling Dance and Super Shoot! On 23 rd June Coastlands School held a tremendous sponsored shoot and dance, to raise money for new Golden Time resources. We each had to raise at least £5.00. Pupil Rhys Warlow raised £40 and Ethan Davies raised £55. We had to kick a ball for two hours and the girls dancing had to dance for two hours. We all had hot dogs and choc ices. Some of us Year 6 boys had 4 hot dogs!! We all had loads of fun and we raised over £300. Thanks to everyone who sponsored us. WPC THOMAS VISIT On 24 th June, WPC Thomas came to Coastlands to talk to Year 5/6 and then Year 3/4. She mainly came here to talk about alcohol and solvents. We learnt about the strongest alcohols (vodka) and the weaker alcohols (shandy). Many people didn’t know what solvents were, but now they know that they are used in many things such as hairspray, glue, and petrol. We are now all aware of the dangers of these substances. Renewable Energy Workshops Recently a man called Tim Brew came to teach us about energy usage and how the use of fossil fuels is affecting climate change. We learned that renewable energy sources like wind, solar power and water are much better for our planet. In groups, we designed and tested our own mini-wind turbines and found out which produced the most volts. It was an interesting morning. Fantastic Film Workshops Two weeks ago Year 4 & 5 had a workshop about making films. James from Into Film came and helped us make an imovie film about our school. It was great fun and Izzy Scale was the director. Mrs Davies will try to put the movie onto the school website as soon as she gets a chance. Poetry Success for Coastlands Pupil We had some exciting news recently when we found out that Year 6 pupil Elin Gent had won the Woodlands Trust poetry competition. Elin wrote a lovely poem in exactly 100 words, using the words: catkin, acorn, bluebell, violet, acorn, conker, ash, fungus, chestnut and holly. The poem had to present a positive message about our woodlands in Britain. Well done to Elin, who wins a dictionary, a set of woodlands books for the class and an ipad for the school. You can read Elin’s poem by visiting involved/schools/poetry-competition/. By entering, Elin’s poem also earned us the last points we needed to gain our Woodlands Trust Platinum Award! involved/schools/poetry-competition/
SPORTS DAY SUCCESSES On19 th June we had our school sports day. We have a yellow, red and blue team. All the children had lots of races, like the sprint, the egg and spoon, a ball relay and an obstacle course in which we had to use a hockey stick and put the ball into the bucket and run to the end. The yellow team won, the reds came second and blues came third. We all had lots of fun. Milford Schools’ Transition Project On 12 th June Zoe Eagle and Emily Gray went up to the comp to have their photos taken at the launch of a new transition book for Year 6, sponsored by Dragon LNG. Each of the Year 6 children will have one of these. The booklet is mainly about the whaling industry in Milford Haven and includes Literacy, Maths, Welsh and Science activities. Snorkel Safari Fun Year 5 and 6 had an amazing time when they got the chance to go snorkelling down at St. Brides. Although the sea was a bit rough, the group had a fantastic time and saw some incredible sights, including some enormous crabs. A friendly seal even came to say hello when everyone was wave- jumping at the end. Excitingly, the group were also joined by an ITV cameraman who took lots of film and photos and interviewed several children and adults. Thank you to Sue Burton, Kale Lock and all the other people who helped us. More Amazing Eco Stuff! Recently we found out that we have won a special prize in the Totally Green School Awards. Our work on our eco mascots and the eco rap won a special commendation in the ‘totally creative’ section of the awards. Well done to everyone who took part in this. Visit content/uploads/2014/10/Coastlands-Eco- Rap_for-web.mp4 on our school website to watch a video of our rap. content/uploads/2014/10/Coastlands-Eco- Rap_for-web.mp4 Swimming Gala On the 11/6/15 we had our swimming gala at the Meads. It was great. We had lots of races, like backstroke, front crawl, breast stroke and the bucket challenge. Blues came 3 rd, red came 2 nd and yellows came 1 st. prkwamsgs koorbbroh eanmrriqo letddavvw streamebe thkswarfr qyeyhkpos waterbutt Can you find these watery words in our wordsearch? pond, brook, river, water butt, shower, stream, sea Graffiti Madness! Last week a man called Lloyd came to help us brighten up our school walls with some colourful eco-travel pictures. He also helped us paint a fantastic ‘attendance tree’, on which we are going to publish the names of children who have the best attendance each term. Thanks to Mrs Thorpe for organising this. Well done to Sam Burton for taking part in the Primary Proms concert last month. It was a fantastic event and was well attended and enjoyed by lots of people. DON’T FORGET TO COME ALONG TO OUR SUMMER BBQ ON WEDNESDAY 15 TH, 6-8PM. AND DON’T MISS OUT ON YOUR CHANCE TO WIN SOME FANTASTIC PRIZES ON THE SCHOOL COUNCIL LUCKY DIP STALL! Cackle Corner What do you get when you cross a flea with a rabbit? Bugs bunny! Which day of the week do ghosts like best? Moandays! How do hens dance? Chick to chick!