Zainul Abedin, the great artist
By the end of the lesson SS will be able to- read and write something on a topic. familiar with some vocabularies- femine, sketch, charcoal, devastating, skeletal etc. speak about a picture. use group verbs.
Birth place Kishoreganj The first Principal of the first Art School’ Dhaka. The founder father of Bangladeshi art. He is called “Shilpacharya” meaning ‘great teacher of art’. Date of Birth Established “Zainul Abedin Sangrahashala” in Mymensing in Date of death
Liberation War and Independence on Zainul Abedin’ paintings
A 30 feet scroll painting called “Manpura”.
Zainul in his work
Folk Art Museum at Sonargoan.
Zainul Abedin Shangrahasala’ Mymensing.
Sketch Famine Skeletal A quickly made drawing without much details. Shortage of food in a region. Very thin.
Devastating Charcoal Causing great destruction. A black thing made by burning wood.
He died of cholera. He died by a car accident. Die for Die from Die out Die of (died of any disease ): Die by(died by any accident ): He died for his country.(died for country): He died from over eating. (died from suicide or any reason): (died out one by one) The members of this family died out one after another.
1. The river…………………… plays a predominent role on Zainul Abedin’s life and works. a) Padma b) Megna c) Brahmaputra d) Jamuna Brahmaputra Options : 2. He founded “Zainul Abedin Shangrahasala” in Mymensing in……... Options: a) 1970b) 1971c) 1975d)
3. A 30 feet long scroll paintings name is ………… Zainul Abedin earned……………….. in an all-India exhibition in Gold Medal Manpura 0ptions:a) Silver Medalb) Gold Medal c) Bronge Medald) Platinum Medal