Using the slips you are given, arrange the scenarios into categories Be prepared to defend your categorizing. ▪ A surgeon leaves a sponge in a patient, and the patient dies from an infection ▪ A teenager is texting while driving and ends up killing another driver ▪ A stockbroker gave someone bad investment advice which caused the investor to go bankrupt ▪ A middle-school girl spreads a rumor about her friend without verifying the validity which caused her friend great pain ▪ Two high-school boys pulled a prank that got out of control and burned a neighbor’s house down ▪ A driver fell asleep at the wheel and his friend is now paralyzed ▪ A high school boy’s bullying led someone to drop out of school ▪ A college student cheated off another student without that student’s knowledge and both lost credit for the class ▪ A busy mom left a candle burning at home, and it caught the house on fire ▪ A batter hit a ball into the pitcher’s face breaking his nose ▪ A chef served undercooked meat and gave the restaurant's patrons food poisoning ▪ A pilot was scheduled for too many hours and crashed the plane because he fell asleep ▪ A car dealer sold someone a car knowing that the breaks were faulty ▪ A father said hurtful things to his son causing him to runaway
When is a mistake too great to forgive? Re-categorize your slips into “forgivable” and “not forgivable” Be prepared to share!
Results ▪ What is the common thread that runs through your two categories? What do the scenarios in the “forgivable” category have in common, and what do the scenarios in the “unforgivable” category have in common?
Novel Summary ▪ A terrible accident has transformed Billie Jo’s life, scarring her inside and out. Her mother is gone. Her father can’t talk about it. And the one thing that might make her fell better --- playing the piano--- is impossible with her wounded hands. ▪ To make matters worse, dust storms are devastating the family farm and all the farms nearby. While others flee from the dust bowl, Billie Jo is left to find peace in the bleak landscape of Oklahoma --- and in the surprising landscape of her own heart.
Journal Respond to the question: when is a mistake too great to forgive?