Seeds Monocot vs. Dicot Accelerated Biology
Seed Anatomy Seed coat – protects embryo from injury and harsh environment develops from the outer layers of the ovule Endosperm – portion of seed that stores food (energy) for the developing embryo What types of plants reproduce through seeds? – gymnosperms and angiosperms How do mosses and ferns reproduce? – spores
Seed Anatomy Cotyledon – seed leaves part of the embryo the first leaves transfer nutrients to the embryo Monocot – I cotyledon Ex) corn Dicot – 2 cotyledons Ex) Kidney and Lima beans What types of plants reproduce through seeds? – gymnosperms and angiosperms How do mosses and ferns reproduce? – spores
Monocot vs. Dicot
Monocot vs. Dicot
Seed Anatomy Radicle – embryonic root (becomes root)
Seed Anatomy Epicotyl – part of the shoot stem above cotyledons Hypocotyl – part of root stem below cotyledons
Monocots Leaf veins parallel Vascular tissue scattered Flower parts in threes Ex) lilies, grasses, corn
Dicots Leaf veins netlike Ring of vascular tissue Flower parts in fours or fives Ex) trees, geranium, cacti
Monocots vs. Dicots
Monocots vs. Dicots
Monocots vs. Dicots