4a Q: What distinguishes a Democrat from a Republican? A: Political ideology = Beliefs and/or convictions regarding political & moral issues 4b There are two main political ideologies or labels… … “liberal” and “conservative” As a rule, the Democrats are liberal and the Republicans are conservative.
4b Q: What determines a person’s Ideology? What’s the difference between liberals and conservatives? A:Beliefs on a wide range of issues, ranging from the environment to gay marriage Issues can usually be categorized as economic & social issues
4c Q: Top ideological Issues? A: The core issues… sometimes called “hot button” issues: Abortion Gay Marriage Gun Control Immigration National debt & deficit spending Taxes Taxing the Wealthy War on Terrorism Culture Wars = Intense debate issues, often “moral” issues
4c Issues Issue cont. Affirmative Action Crime and punishment Death Penalty Health care (Obama Care) Medical Marijuana
4c Issues Religion in Schools Evolution v. Intelligent Design Evolution v. Intelligent Design The Environment Global Warming – Inconvenient Truth Inconvenient Truth Sea Shepard Wolf release program
4.4 In depth - Wolf Wars
Wolf Wars Timeline: 1930’ = Hunted & poisoned to extinction 1974 = Put on the ESA list = release of wolves in Yellowstone & Idaho 2008 = 2,000 wolves in 200 packs 2008 (March) = U.S. Fish & Wildlife “delists” wolves 2008 (July) Federal judge temporarily relists wolves 2009 (May) Wolves delisted by U.S. Fish & Wildlife, management turned over to Montana & Idaho (hunts planned) 2009 (August) coalition of 14 groups files lawsuit14 groups 2009 (Fall) Hunt goes forward in Idaho (220 tags) & Montana (75 tags)… First Wolf taken! 2010 (August) Federal judge puts wolves back on ESA list 2010 (Oct.) U.S. Fish & Wildlife denies planned hunts 2011 (April), Congress “delists” wolves in Idaho & Montana 2012 (March) 9 th Circuit Court rejects lawsuit to stop hunt
Gauging Political Ideology 4d The Political Spectrum The RightThe Left liberalsmoderatesconservatives
4.4 Activity - Gauging Political Ideology Complete this activity: Take 2 of the following surveys… World’s Smallest Political Quiz World’s Smallest Political Quiz & Go to Quiz - Or - Pew Research – Political Typology Pew Research – Political Typology
POLITICAL IDEOLOGY Liberal Conservative
4e Political Labels Libertarian Ron Paul … Resources: Interview with Libertarian Tammy Bruce revolution
4e Political Labels Other political labels: Libertarian Rugged Individualist Populist Feminist Environmentalist
Q: Where do conservative and liberals stand on the issues? Issues Grid
In Depth: The Culture Wars
Culture War = Division over deep moral issues, what’s right and wrong
The Culture War
The Culture Wars California Prop 8
The Culture War Believers v. Non believers
Non Believers Critics claim the film promotes atheism to kids. Philip Pullman is an avowed atheist
Believers / C.S. Lewis Lewis was a devout Christian and includes in his series, The Chronicles of Narnia, many Christian Symbols.
Moral Values & the Culture Wars Liberals generally believe that morality is matter of personal choice… There is a grey area on questions of right and wrong Conservatives see morality as universal, some things are just wrong, no matter who you are. Simple man
4f Q: “Who” are liberals & Conservatives? What demographic factors influence ideological beliefs? A:Many factors shape, or otherwise correlate with an individuals ideological beliefs. The following are some important factors: Gender Race Age Region Southern states v. North East West coast v. Intermountain region Urban v. Rural Religion Church goers v. secularists Education Income Family (married?, Children?, etc.)
4f Who are liberals & Conservatives 2012 Presidential Exit Polls (CNN)2012 Presidential Exit Polls Once at the web site, choose the exit poll tab 2014 Mid term exit polls (CNN)2014 Mid term exit polls Example: View of Federal Health Law (Obamacare) – 2014 exit polls Conservatives are much more likely to oppose Obamacare at 84%, whereas liberals are much more likely to favor at 74% In your answer, use the phrases “more likely” & “less likely” to record the trend
The “gender gap”