…Each country of the world has its traditional cuisine. I have tried to make the menu of one day. The first course is...
…a sushi (susi). This course is traditional Japanese cuisine, which prepares from rice and seafoods. It is cold snack.
The next dish of traditional French cuisine - VEGETABLE SOUP QUICKLY (Pistu). This dish prepares from simple vegetables which are always in any refrigerator. This is the first course.
The following dish is hot with tomatoes and paprika. It accordingly prepares from hen, tomatoes and red pepper paprika. This is a traditional dish of Spain. It is the second course.
Grain pudding with oil. It prepares from fresh or dried fruits and the pastry. Such batch is traditional in English cuisine. It is a dessert.
So, I have tried to tell to you about some traditional dishes in some countries. If you are interested in it, come on a site Bon appetite!