Outline Problem Statement System Diagram Flash Tank Details Distillation Column Details Estimated Equipment Costs Suggestions for Future work Questions?
Problem Statement Design a 750 Ton Chemical Heat Pump utilizing a 2-Propanol, H2, and Acetone as a refrigerant.
System Diagram Acetone Rich Mixed 2-Propanol, H2, Acetone Hydrogen Rich Mixed Acetone, 2-Propanol 2-Propanol Rich C1 C2 P3 Exo Endo air air P1
Applying Method of Sounders & Brown Minimum Height is 36” Minimum Diameter is 10” Hydrogen Mixed Feed of 2-Propanol, Hydrogen, Acetone Flash Tank Acetone, 2-Propanol
Distillation Detail McCabe - Thiele Method Overhead Product 95 mole percent Acetone. Bottom product of 5 mole percent Acetone. Theoretical Stages.
By McCabe Method Number of stages required is 19 plus Re-Boiler & Condenser
Unit Specifications 2 Flash Tanks SS steel : 25 gal $ 9000 1 Sieve tray towers : 32 ft tall, 2.5ft Dia. $ 380,000 2 Reactors plus Catalyst( 825 Ton) $190,000
Total Cost Comparison for C.H.P. Equipment Vs. Hermetic Water Chiller Cost for a 750 Ton C.H.P. System less piping,Cooling Tower and Boiler. Includes 10% over design. $660,000 Cost of 750 Ton C.H.P. $280,000 Cost of Hermetic Water Chiller $380,000
Suggestions for Future work Study Operating Cost of C.H.P. Vs. Hermetic Chiller