Identifying the Elements of A Plot Diagram Plot Diagram 2 1 3 4 5.


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Identifying the Elements of A Plot Diagram

Identifying the Elements of A Plot Diagram
Identifying the Elements of A Plot Diagram Student Notes.
Identifying the Elements of A Plot Diagram
Identifying the Elements of A Plot Diagram
Identifying the Elements of A Plot Diagram
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Identifying the Elements of A Plot Diagram
Presentation transcript:

Identifying the Elements of A Plot Diagram

Plot Diagram

Plot (definition) Plot is the organized pattern or sequence of events that make up a story. Every plot is made up of a series of incidents that are related to one another.

1. Exposition This usually occurs at the beginning of a short story. Here the characters are introduced. We also learn about the setting of the story. Most importantly, we are introduced to the main conflict (main problem).

2. Rising Action This part of the story begins to develop the conflict(s). A building of interest or suspense occurs.

3. Climax This is the turning point of the story. Usually the main character comes face to face with a conflict. The main character will change in some way.

4. Falling Action All loose ends of the plot are tied up. The conflict(s) and climax are taken care of.

5. Resolution The story comes to a reasonable ending.

Putting It All Together 1. Exposition 2. Rising Action 3. Climax 4. Falling Action 5. Resolution Beginning of Story Middle of Story End of Story

Types of Linear Plots Plots can be told in Chronological order Flashback In media res (in the middle of things) when the story starts in the middle of the action without exposition

Conflict Conflict is the dramatic struggle between two forces in a story. Without conflict, there is no plot.

Types of Conflict Human vs Nature Human vs Society Human vs Self Internal Conflict Human vs Human Interpersonal Conflict

Point of View Point of view is the position of the narrator of the story and what the writer sees from that vantage point.

Theme Theme is the story’s main idea(s). The “message” the writer intends to communicate by telling the story.

Author’s purpose Authors generally write with one of three purposes: 1.Entertain 2.Inform 3.Persuade

Mood vs. Tone Mood The atmosphere or feeling created in a story (anger, sadness, humor, suspense, fear, joy, etc.) Tone The speaker or narrator’s attitude toward his or her subject; it may be directly stated or implied

Let’s see if you were paying attention?!? Each of you will get a small white board and an expo marker. For each question, write the answer (or letter of the answer) you think is correct. When everyone has held up their white board, the correct answer will be given. Wipe off your board and get ready for the next question.

The high point of a story where the main action takes place is called the… A) rising action B) exposition C) climax D) resolution

The message or lesson the writer shares with the reader is the : A)tone B)mood C)theme D)main idea

Read the story and identify where the underlined portion would fit on a plot map. Hansel and Grettle went for a walk in the woods. They saw a house that was decorated with thousands of pieces of candy. They began to eat little pieces off of the house. A witch who lived in the house came outside and found them munching away. She quickly grabbed the children and threw them into a cage. Soon, the children's parents came to see where Hansel and Grettle had gone. The parents found them and rescued the children from the evil witch. They went home and lived happily ever after. A) exposition B)climax C) falling actionD) rising action

Where would the underlined portion of the story fit on the plot map? Hansel and Grettle went for a walk in the woods. They saw a house that was decorated with thousands of pieces of candy. They began to eat little pieces off of the house. A witch who lived in the house came outside and found them munching away. She quickly grabbed the children and threw them into a cage. Soon, the children's parents came to see where Hansel and Grettle had gone. The parents found them and rescued the children from the evil witch. They went home and lived happily ever after. A) exposition B)climax C) rising actionD) resolution

Read the story and identify what type of conflict is taking place: Hansel and Grettle went for a walk in the woods. They saw a house that was decorated with thousands of pieces of candy. They began to eat little pieces off of the house. A witch who lived in the house came outside and found them munching away. She quickly grabbed the children and threw them into a cage. Soon, the children's parents came to see where Hansel and Grettle had gone. The parents found them and rescued the children from the evil witch. They went home and lived happily ever after. A) man vs. self B) man vs. man C) man vs. nature D) man vs. society