Australian Needle Vending Machines Andy Hart Vendafit Pty Ltd 2005 UK National Conference on Injecting Drug Use
Vending Machines Provide access to sterile injecting equipment for those IDU who will not access existing services i.e. Hidden Users. Maximise the proper disposal of used equipment through the provision of a Disposafit bin
NSW has over one hundred NVM’s ACT has four. Queensland has four. WA one machine. Australian States and Territories WA SA NT QLD NSW VIC TAS ACT SA, NT,VIC, and Tasmania none, Yet!.
Old Machine Holds 54 Fitpacks® New Vendafit Pty Ltd Needle Vending Machine Holds 100 Fitpacks®
The Fitpack ® The FITPACK ® is a plastic sharps container that has a storage compartment for clean needles, and has a separate area with a non –returnable flap for disposing of used needles.
Location for installing a Vending Machine is very important! Wherever possible, Vending Machine’s will be located where clients are not directly observed by passers-by when using the Vending Machine.
A sharps disposal bin must be placed next to each Vending Machine. Vending Machine’s require power. Cost to End user Usually set the same price as the local chemists.
Southern Area Health, General Manager and Senior Nurse Manager turn on first Vendafit machine at Queanbeyan District Hospital.
Needle Dispensers i.e. Free to end user. For inside use Outside use
New Vendafit Machines in Canberra ACT
Prior to installation of a Vending Machine, it is vital to consult and educate the local community to ; Address their concerns Minimise any potential controversy Explain the rationale of Harm Minimisation.
Cost for the Vending machines Can be None! Vendafit makes its Profit from the charge per Fitpack. Vendafit has many different pricing structures, and can adjust the price according to your needs. Examples: In the ACT, we charge $2, and we receive a subsidy per Fitpack and an annual lease fee from the local Health Department. In another area our charge is $4 and have arranged a subsidised price for the Fitpack. In yet another, we will be charging $5 and Vendafit will supply the Fitpacks. i.e. No charge to the Area Health.
Vendafit process of approval; Sign agreement with Vendafit Pty Ltd Find a building that meets the requirements. Consult with the staff of the building and their union. Inform the Local member of Parliament and the local Council. Inform the Local Commander of Police. Final approval to be given by CEO or General Manager of the Area Health Service.
This Vending machine is owned and operated by VENDAFIT PTY LTD Hospital staff cannot open the machine or refund any money. If you have any problems with this machine call: 0420 ******** WARNING This machine is alarmed and monitored
Stickers can be used on Fitpacks® for a trial period.
Local Police Commander needed convincing!
Police Commander admits “No increase in Crime”
Success at end of Three month Trial.
Local Paper Editorial Gives Support
Statistics from Hawkesbury Vending Machine: Month (1998 –1999) Vending Machine 1mls only Hawkesbury Community Health Centre 1mls only September280 October255 November270 December January February March
Latest Statistics from Hawkesbury Vending Machine Month (04-05) Vending Machine 1mls only Hawkesbury Community Health Centre 1mls only October November December January February March April1275
Month ( ) Vending Machine 1mls only Penrith Community Health Centre 1mls only November2142 December1664 January1732 February March April May June Statistics from Nepean Vending Machine.
Latest Statistics from Nepean Vending Machines Month (04-05) Vending Machines 1mls only South Court Primary Care Centre Two vending machines at front door Penrith Community Health Centre 1mls only October November December January February March
Summary of research Pharmacists report no noticeable impact on the number of Fitpacks they distributed. No negative impact on local free distribution (reports of increased distribution). No increase in discarded equipment. In terms of security, there had been no incidents reported. Clients reached that will not use other services
Users of the vending machines had significantly shorter history of IV drug use. Vending machines regularly attracted a segment of the IDU population that was hardly reached by the other syringe programs. Vending machine users were younger and less likely to be enrolled in a methadone program or to report being HIV positive and were less likely to be heroin injectors.