WIPO Worldwide Academy Founded March 1998 In Response to Challenges and Opportunities in IP Human Resources Development
Challenges Post TRIPS: IP interdisciplinary subject; But lack of specialized human resources viz: –IP offices - technical staff, lawyers, collective management societies –Universities, technical institutions, high schools –Policy makers and advisers in government
Challenges –Law enforcement - judges, police, customs officers –Professional associations including Chambers of Commerce –Private enterprises specifically SMEs –IP Asset management specialists –R & D institutions - scientists, engineers, biotechnologists, etc., to draft patent specifications and conduct patent search
Challenges –Taxation experts with IP knowledge –Inventors associations Need to create awareness of IP as a tool for national development, innovation and wealth creation (private and public) Need to create general awareness of intellectual property and its implication on other disciplines outside law
WIPO Academys Programs
Forum for debate /exploration of IP policy Center of excellence in teaching, training, research in IP WIPO Academy Objectives Development of human resources in IP
Essential Factors to Development …three basic things right: … the right education programs and knowledge skills to empower more of their people to innovate…; and the right governance – that is, the right tax policies, the right investment and trade laws, the right support for research, the right intellectual property laws, and, most of all, the right inspirational leadership – to enhance and manage the flow with the flat world. * Four interconnected features of the modern market economy are of decisive importance, the corporation; innovation and growth; intellectual property; and the role and functioning of financial markets. […] Given the role of innovation, intellectual property is … the most important example of property that only a powerful state can protect. ** *Thomas L. Friedman, The World is Flat (2006) **Martin Wolf, Why Globalization Works (2004)
National Strategy of Intellectual Property Business-friendly Environment Institution (IP Laws, IP Office) Government Strategy/Policies Cultivate IP Conscious Human Resources (Education to Creators, Innovators) ! Wealth, Value, Brand of Companies & Nation (protected by IP)
WIPO Academy Distance Learning Program in Seven languages Всемирная Академия ВОИС أكاديمية الويبو العالمية La Academia Mundial de la OMPI A Academia Mundial da OMPI Académie mondiale de lOMPI
Background of WIPO DL Within Use of ICTs (new era) First generation: Web pages and home grown systems (WEB) 1993/94 Second generation: Learning Management Systems (LMS) Standard Packages 1997/98) Third generation: Managed Learning Environment (MLE) Integ. Solutions 2000/current (WIPO) Fourth generation: Personal Learning Environment (PLE) Lifelong eportfolio & student controled, webcasting, blogging 2000/current Fifth generation: Collaborative Working Envirnment (CWE) Webdesktop & applications «Web 2.0 » multimedia authoring & video editing
Cost effective Flexible Large audiences Cater to varying types of learning and languages: Distance Learning
Course Selection Academic Year 2007 DL 001 – Intellectual Property Primer (20,000 students) DL 101 – General Course on Intellectual Property (50, 615) DL 201 – Advanced Course on Copyright and Related Rights DL 202 – Advanced Course on Electronic Commerce and Intellectual Property DL 203 – Advanced Course on Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property (60- course under review) DL 204 – Advanced Course on Biotechnology and Intellectual Property DL 205 – Introduction to the UPOV System of Plant Variety Protection under the UPOV Convention
Course Selection Pilot Courses Academic Year 2007/9 DL-208 – Patent Drafting (June 2008) DL-209 – Patent Search (June 2008) DL-301 – Patents (June 2008) DL-302 – Arbitration and Dispute Settlement (June 2008) DL-303 – IP for Small and Medium Size Enterprises DL-304 – Technology Licensing DL-305 – Copyright Licensing DL-306 – Biotechnology Licensing
Fee per course DL-001 – sponsored by WIPO DL- 101 – sponsored by WIPO Advanced Courses:- Administration fee –USD – USD 120 students & professionals -participants with whom WIPO has a Technical Cooperation –USD 250-USD students & professionals -standard fee
What Research Says about Learning Goals and Styles (60 years) 3 Types of learning approaches Deep approach - Intention to understand –Motivated by intrinsic interest –Vigerous Interaction with content –Versatile learning-comprehensive and operational learning Surface Approach- Intention to reproduce or memorize –Motivated by extrinsic interest (tasks oriented) –Failure to distinguish principles and examples –Focus on elements without intigration to principles –Time pressures Strategic Approach- Intention to obtain highest possible grades –Motivated by hope of success –Highly organized –Ensure materials for studying –Use previous exam papers, alert to marking schemes
Learners at a Distance
The face of WIPO Academy DL Program
DL-101 (since 1999) DL-101 (in 7 languages) General Course on Intellectual Property - –Guide to studying the course –Introduction to Int. Property –Copyright –Related rights –Trademarks –Geographical Indication –Industrial Design –Patents –International Registration Systems –Unfair Competition –Protection of New Varieties of Plants –Discussion and Summary –Final Exam
DL-101-Offering-Outsourcing-Licensing of Courses
Advanced Courses (DL200s) Head Tutors
DL Participants Participants by category
Cooperation with Universities
Distance Learning Beneficiaries : 82,677
Without DLWith DLWith Fellowships Worldwide Coverage
Strategic use of IP requires interdisciplinary (multi-dimensions) knowledge and skills. Objective -Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching IP
IP Teaching by WIPO Academy- Distance Learning Tutors Persepctive on Teaching Persepctive on knowledge Instruction Active engagment with information provided Subjective, contextualized, relative, situated in action, fluid Learner-centered
IP Teaching by WIPO Academy- Distance Learning Tutors Role of the teacher Role of the learner Goal: Guide, Facilitator Goal: Active participant, responsible for his/her own learning Learning method Assessment Goal: Interactive engagement Goal: Standardized tests, self assessment
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