© Alfa Laval Pure Cooler R134a r-evolution New high efficiency R134a dedicate evaporator. Pure Cooler Passes (tube side)1 Tube arrangementStraight Tube OD5/16” (7.94 mm) TubeFinned inside, high efficiency design exclusive for AL
© Alfa Laval Pure Cooler The new series will be added to the existing “U tube” 2-pass series (Dryplus-E) Dryplus-EPure Cooler Passes (tube side)21 Tube arrangementBent (“U tubes”)Straight Tube OD3/8” (9.52 mm)5/16” (7.94 mm) Tube bundleExtractableNon extractable R134a r-evolution
Pure Cooler The capacity range The new evaporator design is featuring from 1 to 4 independent refrigerant circuit! Minimum cooling capacity (kW) Maximum cooling capacity (kW) 1 refrigerant circuit refrigerant circuits refrigerant circuits refrigerant circuits The cooling capacity range of the new evaporator series is particularly wide, from 100 to 2200 kW (30 to 625 Rtons) at nominal conditions : water 12/7°C; SST=3°C; Tliq=42°C.
© Alfa Laval Pure Cooler Five versions Standard Version Low Temp. Version (BT) High Pressure Version (HP) High Pressure Version (HPR) High Pressure Version (HPW) Tube side PS (bar) Shell side PS (bar) Minimum/maximum TS (°C) -10/+50-40/+50-10/+90 Five different versions for standard air- conditioning/process cooling duties, low temperature and heat pump applications. Values referred to PED approval. ASME approval available.
© Alfa Laval Pure Cooler General features Flange-type refrigerant connections Flexible joint (Victaulic) water connections (flange- type available) Available versions: left and right-handed and top connections Plastic material baffles Optimized water flow Refrigerant distributor(s) (patent pending High efficiency finned tube
© Alfa Laval Pure Cooler VS DE series We have a averadge reducing of RCPL price of 30% Talking on work condition 12/7°C water side SST=3°C; Tliq=42°C; superheating 5k. Here some exaple: CapacityDEDPCDRCPL DERCPL PCDifference %Difference € 722DED745PCD % DED645PCD % DED860PCD % DED645PCD % DED715PCD % DED860PCD % DED955PCD % DED1100PCD % DED1100PCD %-18556