General Harm Reduction Know what you are buying Establish relationship with dealer Be flexible with intake method –Be willing to change when favorite method is not available or safe(snort when can’t have clean needle; skin pop when light too dim) Take your time
Safer snorting Choose a safe place to chop up comfortably Chop up fine Steady hand not to drop Snort on clean surface Laminated plastic card, easy to clean Alternate nostrils Keep snorting tubes clean/don’t share Put few drops of water/saline in nose after snorting
Safer smoking White powder in cigarettes Brown base and tar smoke on foil If chasing use foil tube Use small flame for cooking Don’t hold smoke in lungs Keep inhaler w/you with asthma
Safer injecting Only skin pop or muscle w/easy dissolve drug Add acid/vitamin C to brown base Heat even if easily dissolvable(15 sec) Sharp sterile syringe Clean cooker, new cotton Fresh water
Safer injecting continued Use smallest needle possible If you must share (needle and cooker) –Wash syringe w/water –Rinse twice with bleach –Rinse again with water Keep shooting and cleaning water separate Clean injection site w/soap and water then alcohol pad Rotate injection sites gives time to heal