January 2008, Washington The CityMobil programme: an overview Professor Tony May University of Leeds, England January 2008, Washington
Automated transport systems Cybercars –Driverless vehicles, electronic guideways Personal rapid transit –Driverless vehicles, –Segregated guideways High tech buses –Electronic guideways –Driven on city streets Dual mode vehicles –Automated following –Driven on city streets Advanced city cars –Small, low emission –With ADAS facilities January 2008, Washington
The CityMobil project An Integrated Project within the EC FP6 programme Funded by EC DG Research €11m funding; 40% on demonstrators, 60% research Led by TNO (Netherlands) –With 28 partners from 12 countries Five years from May January 2008, Washington
CityMobil: Objectives To achieve more effective organisation of urban transport –With more rational use of motorised traffic –Less congestion, pollution, accidents –Higher quality of life –Better integration with spatial development Through the application of new technologies –For passengers and freight Drawing on past European research –On new technologies: Netmobil ( –On land use and transport strategies: LUTR ( January 2008, Washington
CityMobil: Project structure January 2008, Washington
Demonstrations and city studies –Three major demonstrators Cybercars: Rome PRT: Heathrow High Tech Buses: Castellon (Spain) –A series of showcases Two week demonstrations to increase public understanding Daventry (UK), Trondheim (No): Cybercars La Rochelle (Fr), Genoa (It): Advanced City Cars –Predictive studies of four cities –Desk studies of two or three more cities –A Reference Group of 22 cities across Europe January 2008, Washington
The Rome demonstrator Cybercar service linking car park to new exhibition centre Basic characteristics –Total route length: 1617 m –1 roadway with 2 lanes –Roundabouts at either end –12 stops (max 100m from parking) with automatic doors –Six vehicles –Regular headway service making all stops –12 emergency exits (maximum distance:70m) –Control centre and depot Potential for more flexible service later, subject to Ministry approval January 2008, Washington
The car park layout TAVOLA 3 – PARCHEGGIO P1 CONRETE CTS
The Heathrow demonstrator PRT system linking long stay car parks to new Terminal 5 –A pre-trial for Heathrow wide application –To replace all shuttle buses Using ULTra technology –Battery operated 4 seat vehicles –Light weight guideway System specification –16 vehicles –Station to station service (no stops) –On demand, low maximum waiting time Opening early 2009, after 12 months with shuttle buses January 2008, Washington
The Heathrow network January 2008, Washington
The prototype vehicle January 2008, Washington
The prototype vehicle January 2008, Washington
Station layout on the test track January 2008, Washington
The Castellón demonstrator High Tech Bus corridor –From university to city centre –And subsequently along the coast Automated guideway in central section –Using optical guidance Driver-operated on some sections of route Electric vehicles First section open in 2008 January 2008, Washington
The Castellón network January 2008, Washington
The Castellon vehicles January 2008, Washington
The Daventry showcase January 2008, Washington
Future scenarios: objectives and work packages Principal objective: –Assessing how automated transport systems Fit into scenarios for urban transport Contribute to sustainability Work Packages 1.State of the Art Report 2.Context and application scenarios 3.Predictive models and case studies 4.Business case models 5.Guidelines for safety, security and privacy January 2008, Washington
Specification of context scenarios Mixed predictability Low influenceMixed influenceHigh influence High predictability 3 macro elements6 macro elements5 macro elements 2 macro elements4 macro elements3 macro elements Low predictability 1 macro element7 macro elements January 2008, Washington
The high influence macro elements High predictability –Population ageing; Share of urban population –Growing congestion; Growing road safety concerns –Growing air pollution, noise and global warming Medium predictability –GDP growth; Investment in automated technologies and interactions between them –Increased energy efficiency Low predictability –Fuel prices –Awareness of global warming and sustainability concerns –Revitalisation of inner city centres; Land use planning –Transport/ICT infrastructure; Transport pricing and taxation; Urban freight terminals January 2008, Washington
Passenger mobility concepts January 2008, Washington
Application scenarios: principal passenger applications Cybercars –Public transport in inner city* –Public transport feeder in low density areas* Personal Rapid Transit –Public transport in inner city* –Shuttle from parking facility High Tech Bus –Dedicated lanes on radial corridors* Dual Mode Vehicles –Dedicated E-lanes on corridors, networks* Advanced City Cars –Permitted vehicles in city centres *Applications to be modelled January 2008, Washington
The City Application Manual Designed to guide cities considering new technologies Potentially based on Decision-Makers’ Guidebook Possible outline: –Scenarios –Identifying suitable options –Estimating patronage –Illustrative predictive results –High level appraisal –Illustrative appraisal results –Barriers and ways of overcoming them –Guidance on detailed design –Possible micro-simulation examples Planned for late 2008 January 2008, Washington
The role of the predictive tests To assess the likely contribution to urban transport policy objectives of each of the four technologies –If applied at a significant scale –In representative European cities To contribute to an ex ante evaluation of these technologies To complement ex post evaluations of specific applications –Cybercars in the new Rome exhibition centre –PRT in London Heathrow –High tech buses on a corridor in Castellon, Spain –A series of smaller showcase applications January 2008, Washington
The focus of the predictive tests Four cities –Selected to be reasonably representative of different city types in Europe –With commonly specified policy tests and appraisal in all four to permit comparison of the potential for each technology in each city –But with additional tests of city-specific options and appraisal weightings The four cities –Almere (NL) (250k): a new city expanding to 400k –Gateshead (UK) (300k): part of a 1,100k polycentric conurbation –Trondheim (NO) (200k): a smaller monocentric city –Vienna (AT) (1,600k): a major monocentric city January 2008, Washington
Application scenarios: applications to be tested Cybercars –Public transport in inner city –Public transport feeder in low density areas Personal Rapid Transit –Public transport in inner city High Tech Bus –Dedicated lanes on radial corridors Dual Mode Vehicles –Dedicated E-lanes on corridors, networks January 2008, Washington
Complementary measures Measure categoriesHigh impact measures Land use planningCity centre development 20% greater than that currently in city plans Transport and ICTPriority for new modes at all traffic signals (area-wide) Traffic engineering solutions Re-distribution of existing road space to new vehicles on all new mode routes, and a car free city centre Transport pricing Inner city road pricing cordon, am peak only, €5 charge per day PT fare reductions of 20% over the 30 year period Parking fees to increase by 50% over the 30 year period January 2008, Washington
The planned sequence of tests All conducted for four cities For the period For medium and high growth scenarios –Do nothing (specified by each city) –Each of five application scenarios, defined to be as consistent as possible across the four cities Alone With an agreed set of complementary measures City-specific applications as resources permit 22+ tests for each city = 88 tests to be compared January 2008, Washington
The planned tests for each city Exogenous trend applications Medium growthHigh growth Do nothingM0H0 New technologies With complementary policies No complementary policies With complementary policies No complementary policies Cybercar (inner city)MW1M1HW1H1 Cybercar (PT feeder)MW2M2HW2H2 PRTMW3M3HW3H3 High tech busMW4M4HW4H4 DMV (city wide)MW5M5HW5H5 January 2008, Washington
The next steps All four models available by December Do nothing tests and review in January Principal testing programme to June Interpretation of results and discussion with cities in July Report of results in September Outputs used –For testing the Business Case Model –As input to the City Application Manual Final review of results and methods in early 2011 January 2008, Washington