Lindab Solus - Simply the natural choice...
lindab | comfort Chilled beam revolution! + Save up to 45 % cooling energy!* + Installation and investment savings! + Maintenance and running costs savings! = Win – Win situation *Documented by SBI publication 2013 (Aalborg University, Denmark)
lindab | comfort Chilled beam revolution! High temperature cooling and Low temperature heating! No need for simultaneously running heating and cooling units ever again! No regulation equipment and pipe treatment - No regulation valves - No actuators - No room regulators - No sensors (e.g. presence & CO2) - No pipe insulation = Large installation savings! One set of pipes can be used for heating and cooling, at the same time!
lindab | comfort Beam description The Lindab Solus beam Powerful chilled beam battery Great capacity at extreme low temperature heating and high temperature cooling Fixed spread pattern and factory preset air volume, for an easy and convenient solution Example 3,6 m Solo beam in a 25°C room Air = 25 l/s at 100 Pa Water = 20°C in - 23°C out Total cooling capacity = 744W
lindab | comfort Temperature vs. loads Expected indoor temperature The water flow is constant Outdoor temperature will dictate inlet temperature Difference in external/internal loads will affect room temperature Summer: Internal + external load = +600W Room temperature = 24,4°C Spring/Autumn: Internal + external load = -230W Room temperature = 20°C Winter: Internal + external load = -400W Room temperature = 20°C Capacity per beam, 3,0m [W] Room temperature [°C] Summer Spring/Autumn Winter
lindab | comfort System description – Spring and Autumn Needed inlet temperature reached fully or partially by mixing the return water Allows for fully or partially shut down of heating and cooling units Savings of up to 5 % on total energy usage (not including savings by free cooling) Either the heating or cooling unit needs to be running. But not both at the same time Should assistance from the cooling unit be necessary, free cooling should be obtainable through part of the season North facade Heating demand South facade Cooling demand High Temperature Cooling (HTC) and Low Temperature Heating (LTH)
lindab | comfort System description - Summer High Temperature Cooling (HTC) Cooling supplied via beams running relatively high temperature water Possible due to the optimized high output battery, unique the Solus beam. Offers great possibilities for free cooling 25 % better COP from cooling units Extremely low risk of condensation, due to the high inlet temperature. As heating demands may occur during Summer in some regions, even higher savings can be expected North facade Cooling demand South facade Cooling demand
lindab | comfort System description - Winter LowTemperature Heating (LTH) Lower water temperatures compared to conventional radiator or chill beam systems Possible due to the optimized high output battery, unique to the Solus beam Smaller risk of heat loss from pipes, as running temperature is close to room temperature Eliminate problems with draft, due to near-isothermal inlet temperatures Low temperature stratification in the occupied zone results in a better mix of room and inlet air North facade Heating demand South facade Heating demand
lindab | comfort The two main paths of comfort ventilation Effective cost saver – Fixed solution… Lindab Solo +Extremely simple system +Installation and investment savings +Fast and easy installation +Simple commissioning +Low maintenance and running costs -No individual temperature regulation - Limited cooling/heating performance Flexible solution – Complicated and expensive… Lindab Pascal +Perfect ventilation control +Optimize AHU usage - Complex installation and commissioning Wiring and electrical complexity -More products/items to install Lindab eHybrid +Optimized running cost savings on a chilled beam solution +Highly adjustable system -Complex installation and commissioning -More product/items, increased maintenance
lindab | comfort Night cooling and heating System functionality in off-hours Night cooling through system by-pass, applies as in a conventional ventilation system Night heating must be considered, as Solus is the only heat source The Solus beam cannot deliver the same boost of energy as conventional chilled beams System shut down is possible during off-work- hours, when room temperatures are ideal
lindab | comfort Temperature gradient Lindab SolusNormal chilled beam Ceiling height [m] Temperature [C°] Ceiling height [m] Temperature [C°]
lindab | comfort Free cooling solution Optimize free cooling opportunities Free cooling overview: 1: Free cooling ON/OFF (Optimized) – Save 32% energy 2: Free cooling MODULATING (Optimized) – Save 45% energy Scenario No. 12 Free cooling (%) Outdoor Temperature [°C] Conventional Chilled beam 100 ≤ Solus 100 ≤
lindab | comfort Better COP performance Cooling & Heating unit performance Higher cooling temperatures in the Solus system, allows for a more efficient use of heat pumps. Coefficient Of Performance (COP) The Δt between the outdoor temperature and the inlet water temperature in cooling scenarios will normally be at least 5°C lower on the Solus solution than on conventional systems. The COP value of the heat pump can therefore be expected to be over 25% higher than in a conventional system. The Δt value in heating scenarios is even better, giving even larger savings when using a heat pump for both cooling and heating. Optimized cooling and heating performance
lindab | comfort Renewable energy Solus – optimizing substainable energy usage Low heating water temperatures optimal for solar panels Geothermal heating, heat pumps and other low temperature energy sources are suitable as well
lindab | comfort Installation and investment savings Installation time A simple solution enables a quicker installation, providing further savings. Overall savings The simplicity of the Solus system means less accessories. Which in turn means huge savings, especially as radiators are not needed. Savings, on several aspects
lindab | comfort Maintenance and running costs savings Cooling energy consumption Lower running times on cooling units, plus the use of free cooling, provides a huge saving potential. Maintenance Less components gives a much lower maintenance cost. Future savings
lindab | comfort Heating and Cooling sources Points of interest Heat pumps Better COP, due to temperature set Applicable for both heating and cooling District heating from heat plant Lower running temperatures on the Solo system offers a lower return temperature to the heat plant District cooling from cooling plant New way of cooling Applicable to Lindab Solo Free cooling Better gain, and longer season, due to temperature set Both heating and cooling Solar panels Low inlet temperature for heating, enables the full use of solar panels in spring/autumn
lindab | comfort Why now? Why havn’t we seen a system like Lindab Solus before? Technology – higher capacity per degree temperature difference Higher demand for energy saving, environmental friendly solutions Optimized building etiquette – Better insulation means lower heating/cooling needs Bright ideas don’t come often….
lindab | comfort Summary No regulation valves, actuators etc. Continuously running system = No need for regulation on individual beams. No need of pipe Insulation, neither on ducts. Free cooling High Temperature Cooling results in optimal conditions for free cooling. No radiators or pipes for heating Heating is delivered by the Solus system = No need for radiators and associative piping. Recycled energy use Solus is keeping the thermal energy in the building, instead of supplying and redrawing energy. Better COP performance The cooling water temperature in Solus is at least 5 degrees higher compared to conventional chilled beam systems = Increased COP of >25% for the cooling unit (Higher COP for heating unit as well). Renewable energy The Solus system allows a much better energy efficiency when using sustainable energy sources.
lindab | comfort