2011 年度河南省高等学校精品课程《高级英语》 (A New English Course, Book 6) Unit Four The Lady or the Tiger Copyright: Henan University of Technology 2012 Lecturer: Jin Yaming
Teaching Outline I. Teaching Objectives II. Background Information III. Warming-up: Listening and Speaking IV. Text Structure V. Discourse Analysis VI. Theme-related Reading and Translating VII. Theme-related Writing
I. Teaching Objectives 1 Choices, beauty, jealousy and love [ Thematic Concern ] 2 [ Linguistic Competence ] Summarizing and synthesizing 3 [ Stylistic Appreciation ] Short story 4 [ Encyclopedic Knowledge ] Psychoanalysis of human nature
II. Background Information 1. About the author: Frank R. Stockton ( ) One of the most famous American writers of the 1880s and 1890s; An American humorist who has been compared to Mark Twain; This story was his most famous story, first published in the popular magazine Century in 1882.
II. Background Information 2. Amphitheaters: An amphitheatre (or amphitheater) is an open-air venue used for entertainment and performances. Gladiator --- armed fighters performing for the public in ancient Rome
II. Background Information 2. Amphitheaters: Contemporary amphitheatres ( Hollywood bowl and sign ).. Roman amphitheatres Colosseum 古罗马圆 形剧场. Natural amphitheatres ( Bryce Canyon Amphitheater Hoodoos Panorama 布莱斯峡谷圆形石 林全貌
10/7/2015 III. Warming-up: Listening and Speaking Listening and speaking: VOA special English “ the lady or the tiger” Listen to this story carefully and try to catch the main idea and retell the story later.
10/7/2015 III. Warming-up: Listening and Speaking Synopsis of the story "The Lady, or the Tiger?" is about a man sentenced to an unusual punishment for having a romance with a king's beloved daughter. Taken to the public arena, he is faced with two doors, behind one of which is a hungry tiger that will devour him. Behind the other is a beautiful lady-in-waiting, whom he will have to marry, if he finds her. While the crowd waits anxiously for his decision, he sees the princess among the spectators, who points him to the door on the right.
10/7/2015 III. Warming-up: Listening and Speaking Synopsis of the story The lover starts to open the door and... the story ends abruptly there.
10/7/2015 IV. Text Structure: Text organization Part Ⅲ (7-8): reasons why justice was done in this way. Part Ⅱ (2-6): illustration of how the King administered justice in the arena; Part Ⅰ (1): description of the King’s semi-barbaric character;
IV. Text Structure: Questions concerning the text Part Ⅰ In what sense was the king “ semi-barbaric ” ? (his ideas were polished and sharpened by …, but still large, florid and untrammeled) What was his character like? (a man of exuberant fancy and of an irresistible authority; having a tendency to discuss matters with himself; having a liking to make the crooked straight and crush down uneven places; Owing no more allegiance to any tradition than pleased his fancy; Having a liking to ingraft his barbaric idealism on every adopted form of human thought and action)
IV. Text Structure: Questions concerning the text Part Ⅱ (2-6): What idea, among the borrowed ones, signified the semi-barbarism of the king? (the public arena) What should be the original function of an arena? (to give the people an opportunity of hearing…; to enable the people to view the inevitable conclusion of a conflict…) How did the king adapt it for “better purposes”? (as an agent of poetic justice) What were the reasons? (perfect fairness; the element of uncertainty) Part Ⅲ
10/7/2015 V. Discourse Analysis: short story A short work of narrative prose fiction. The distinction between the short story and novel is mainly one of length. As opposed to the tale, a mark of a short story is a fully delineated character 1. Short story writing: the definition characterization, point of view, setting, tone and style, theme, symbol plot, character, characterization, point of view, setting, tone and style, theme, symbol Structural elements of short story:
exposition climax conflict complication crisis denouement falling action V. Discourse Analysis: short story Structural elements of plot in a traditional story:
V. Discourse Analysis 2. Short story writing: 1.Choose a narrative point of view. 3.Create a problem, or conflict, 2.Create a protagonist, or main character. 4.Establish believable characters and settings.
V. Discourse Analysis 2. Short story writing: 5. Build the story's tension. 6.Create a crisis 7.Resolve the tension. 8. Extend this resolution phase.
VI. Theme-related Reading and Translating Exercises I thought that it was a Sunday morning in May ; that it was Easter Sunday , and as yet very early in the morning . I was standing , as it seemed to me , at the door of my own cottage . Right before me lay the very scene which could really be commanded from that situation, but exalted, as was usual, and solemnized by the power of dreams. There were the same mountains , and the same lovely valley at their feet; but the mountains were raised to more than Alpine height , and there was interspaced far larger between them of savannahs and forest lawns ; the hedges were rich with white roses; and no living creature was to be seen, excepting that in the green churchyard there were cattle tranquilly reposing upon the verdant graves, and particularly round about the grave of a child whom I had once tenderly loved, just as I had really seen them, a little before sunrise, in the same summer when that child died.
VII. Theme-related Writing Exercises Write an article to psychoanalyze the dilemma the princess faced and write your outcome! The lady or the tiger?
Thank you!